Starting with Sytist version 5.0 is the ability to move sub galleries into other galleries or sub galleries.To move sub galleries, check the checkbox under the sub gallery or sub galleries you want to move. Then navigate to the location where you want to move them to and click the Move selected sub.....
New with Sytist version 4.7 (changelog) is a redeveloped way for customers to select photos for their collections (also known as packages).The new way adds a horizontally scrolling container at the bottom of the screen that has spots for the products in the collection. After the collection is added.....
This is how you can adjust the hero / billboard elements made with the Page Designer to better fit the screen and phones.First you need to get the element ID. To do so, edit the page with the page designer, mouse over the billboard and click Row Styling. It will show you the element ID. Next go to D.....
1) Your download products are not marked as taxable.Edit the products in the product base (Photo Products -> Product Base) and be sure the taxable option is checked.2) Only downloads are being purchased and you don't have the state field enabled for Download Only Orders.Settings -> Account Req.....
A new method of downloading multiple photos in a zip file has been developed and added to Sytist with the 4.4 update that allows us to add many more photos in a zip file than before. Previously the download in zip files would have to be split into multiple zip files somewhere between 5 and 50 photo.....
Starting with Sytist 3.1 is a new & best way for doing pre-order sales. The new way allows you to use your price lists that you use for your galleries and customers will order the products like they would from a gallery but without any photos. Some highlights of using this method for pre-orders.....
For using the Square payment option you will need to get your Square: Application IDAccess TokenLocation ID1) Go to the Square Developer Portal and log in with your Square account login information (btw, you need a Square account first). 2) If you already have an application (like the one in blue),.....
By default galleries are listing in order of gallery date descending (newest galleries first).To change the display order of galleries or pages in a section/category edit that section then go to Layouts -> Page Listing Layouts and change the Order Pages by option.
The Paid Access feature is where a customer has to pay in order to view a gallery. When this option is enabled it will prompt the customer that they need to purchase access. Once they do, they will be added to the access list and for the gallery and they will be able to view the gallery. To enabled.....
PayPal Checkout (also known as Smart Buttons) is the newest offering from PayPal that keeps the customer on your site in the background during payment and also offers Pay Later and Debit / Credit Card buttons at checkout.To use this option you will need a PayPal Business Account. If you have that th.....
Please see the notes at the bottom of this page if you are updating Sytist and have existing customers and plan to use this feature.Starting with Sytist version 3.8 is the ability to send text messages to your customers from Sytist. This can be used for automated reminders such as gallery expiring n.....
Starting with Sytist version 3.5, when creating a new account for customers in the admin, instead of setting a password for them, the customer will create their own password. After you have created the account, you will have a Send Welcome Email tab when viewing their account. Select that to send.....
This is done by creating a store product and setting the price to 0.00 and set the product type to service. First, if you don't already have a store section, create one by going to Site Content -> Create New Section. In the new section wizard, select the Store option.Add a new product to that s.....
Starting with Sytist version 3.5, you can have a custom order confirmation email sent to the customer on a per gallery basis (also for store products and registries). Example: you have a gallery and want to add a special message to the order confirmation email sent to a customer ordering from that g.....
If you are using the passcode photos feature (password protecting individual photos in a gallery) and you are doing school photography or something similar where you might have siblings in the same gallery and don't want parents to be able to add photos to the same collection/package, here are some.....
New for Sytist version 3.0 are paid gallery extensions for expired galleries. With this option enabled and when someone visits an expired gallery they will be prompt with the option to purchase access to the gallery. This option is located in the Expires option when editing a gallery. Options Price.....
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. This applies to businesses located in the EU and those outside of the EU that does business with citizens in the EU.Below are steps to take in S ......
Starting with Sytist version 3.0 is the option to add labels to photo products & collections. These labels can be used as categories and help organize things if you have a lot of products. To create labels, click the Manage Labels tab in Photo Products -> Product Base. To assign a label to.....
Starting with Sytist version 2.7 is the ability to have abandoned shopping cart reminder emails automatically sent to customers with the Automated Emails option (Settings -> Automated Emails). (These are the carts people created but never checked out). You can send up to 4 reminder emails over ti ......
Added in Sytist 2.8 is the option for a Watch Folder. The Watch option will look for newly uploaded photos uploaded via FTP and process them into the gallery. This can be used if you are using Sytist for onsite events. Instructions With your FTP program create a new folder inside the sy-upload ......
When gallery exclusive mode is enabled in a gallery, it removes the main website header and menus (and optionally the footer with an option to use a different footer) for a nice clean presentation. When the gallery opens, it shows a full size photo of the cover photo with the gallery name over it.Al ......
Go to Click the +Add a New App button. Enter in your website name for the display name, enter in your email address and click Create App ID. Next click Set Up under Facebook Login. Select Web on the next page. Next screen Tell Us about Your Website, enter.....
If you are doing school photography, there are some features in Sytist you may want to use.One of the most important things is password protecting the photos of each student. There are 2 ways to accomplish this:Passcode PhotosThe Passcode Photos feature allows you to password protect individual phot ......
More and more people surf the web & look at photos on their phones. Looking at your visitor stats in Sytist you will see how many visitors are on mobile, tablet or computer. Sytist is great for mobile users because of it's responsive design, but if your header or logo is too large, it ......
Sytist is a very robust system with a lot of features. It can be used as an entire website or just an addition to your website for selling photos, booking calendar, project proofing and all the other feautres.To use just in addition to your existing website, here is how you want to set it up.1) If h ......
The Collections can be used for packages, collages, albums, etc... anything someone needs to pick more than one photo for. When you create a collection, you select from existing products in your product base. To get started, go to Photo Products > Collections then click Create New Collection.&nbs ......
Starting with Sytist version 1.2 is the ability to have your customers login with their Facebook account. When they use that option, it will capture their first name, last name and email address*. If their email address is the same as an existing account, it will log them into that account. If the e ......
To create a collection that includes prints where the customer can select the size (4x6 - 8x10 for example): 1) Photo Products -> Product Base, Add new product. Product Display Name: Print (Or something similar) Product Type: Other Leave the rest blank and save. 2) Create an Option for the new pr ......
Starting with Sytist version 0.8.8 is the ability to sell green screen photos. You can upload different backgrounds for the customers to view their photos on. Here is an example of this feature in the demo.Background PhotosFirst thing you need to do is upload your backgrounds for the green screen ph ......
Adding a Free Download for everyone to download for free In Photo Products -> Product Base, there is a Free Download product (this is not added to the sample price list by default).You will need to add that free download product to a price list and assign that price list to the page / gallery you ......
With Sytist, you can upload photos from a project for your clients to proof. This can be used for designs, albums, ads, etc...When a client proofs a project, they will review each photo and either approve the file, request a revision or reject the file. There is no selling options in the project pro ......
You can create default settings to use each time you create a new gallery on a per section basis. To get to the default settings, click edit under the section name in the left menu of the Site Content section. Default Page Text When Creating New PagesHere you can set text that will be added to ......
When purchasing photos from a gallery. You can add additional fields to be filled in at checkout (like for a students name) in your Price Lists in the Photo Products section. Click the edit settings link for your price list and you will see the option to create additional fields. &nb ......
Photographer favorites can be a couple of ways. If being used in a gallery with no sub galleries (like a portrait session), you can have it shows stars on the photographer favorites and optionally create a link in the menu for photographer favorites if Gallery Exclusive is enabled. If the gal ......
Changing the language of the months display from the database (for order dates).Download your sy-config.php file from your Sytist installation and open it in a text editor like notepad. Before the closing PHP tag ?> , add the following line of code: $setup['lc_time_names'] = de_DE; Th ......
The Collections can be used for packages, collages, albums, etc... anything someone needs to pick more than one photo for. This will show you how to set up albums & collages.There are 2 ways to do this. When creating a new collection, you have 2 options.If your customers ONLY need to select photosEx ......
Starting with Sytist 0.7.0, you can override the price of individual photos in a gallery. To do so, when viewing the photos in a gallery, check the checkbox under the thumbnails you want to change, and there will be an option in the tray to change the price list. ......
As of Sytist version 0.7.2, you can offer and Early Bird Special with a variable discount system on client galleries. This will give them a discount if they purchase before a certain date. Once the early bird special expires, the discount will not be offered. When viewing a client gallery page in th ......
New for Sytist in version 0.7.3 is a setting in the sections (edit under section name in Site Content) to remove the header when viewing a page in that section and also display a masthead (which is actually 1 billboard slide) on pages in that section.The masthead option will take the first photo or ......
1) Check the checkbox under a thumbnail, hold down your shift key and check another thumbnail it will select those and all photos in between. 2) Select from Recent Upload Sessions in the All Photos section then you can select all.3) If you don't know the upload session of a group of photos, cli ......
Image Options (starting in Sytist 0.7.4) are checkbox options customers can select that are only charged once per image no matter how many products they order of that same image. This can be used for something like retouching fees. To add image options, click image options under the price list you w ......
You can require your customers to create an account and log in to view galleries in the section you have your client photos in. First edit the section you want the customers to be required to be logged in to view. Next scroll down and down the right side click Require to view and then the ......
You can create a Store section for selling products, services and downloads ... things other than photos. First you have to create a new section that is marked as a Store section. In the new section wizard, select the Store option (Site Content -> Create New Section). When editing a product in a ......
You can offer a download photo included with a print purchase 2 different ways: either included with the purchase or as an option at an additional price. Include a download photo with a productWhen editing a print from your Product Base, you will now see an option for this. When this is selecte ......
Starting with Sytist version 3.1, there is a better way to pre-orders. VIEW NEW PRE-ORDER METHOD Here is how to pre-sell packages where no photos are going to be selected for the packages. To pre-sell packages where the customers will return after the photos become available and then select photos,.....
If you are having issues uploading photos, there can be a number of factors, but the most common issue is Not enough memory allocated to PHP to process large photo files or post max size or upload max size are too low. The file size of the photos you are uploading and the dimensions of the file both ......
This feature lets you assign a customer to a gallery as the owner of the gallery. When you do that:They have the option to hide photos in their gallery so anyone they invite to view their photos can not see those hidden photos.If someone tries to view the gallery and don't have the password f ......
New for Sytist 0.7.7, this is an option available when adding or editing a download photo product in Photo Products -> Product Base. When selecting this option for a download photo, the download file will not be immediately available when a customer places an order. This will allow you to upload ......
There is an option to assign a price list to a customer's account. When a price list is assigned to their account it will override any price list assigned to a gallery.This can also be used to allow certain customers to have free downloads to galleries when it isn't available in the price list assig ......
There are a few ways to replace photos.1) Individually. Under the thumbnails when viewing photos in the admin, there is a new Replace Photo icon. 2) When uploading photos to a gallery there is a Replace photos with same file name option. The photos you are upload will need to have the exact same fil.....
The Time Blocks option will create a drop down of time blocks in a gallery for the visitor to select from and pull up photos based on the date / time taken of the photo.It is IMPORTANT that the date of the page is the same date of the event because it searches date and time. The date of the page i ......
Here is how to move photos from a gallery into another gallery or sub galleries. Go into the gallery you want to move photos from. Check the checkboxes under the thumbnails of the photos you want to move. You can check 1, then hold down your shift key and select another further down and it wil ......
A registry is a way for people to add money to someone's account. An example of a registry is if you have a couple getting married, you can create a registry for them so their family & friends can add money to their account (which turns into a credit for them) to purchase products & services from yo ......
Starting with Sytist version 2.5 is the option for sharpening processed photos when they are uploaded. This will sharpen the large and small photos after they are processed (resized, watermarked, etc...). The original file you upload will not be sharpened. This is set on by default, but can be disab.....
To set the default photos settings values when creating new pages / galleries, edit the section you have your galleries in and click the Photo Defaults tab. You can also batch update all galleries in that section from that page. ......
Starting in Sytist 0.7.0, you can enable the ability for customers to compare photos in a gallery.To enable this go to the photos tab of a page and click Photo Display Settings. The option is will be in the bottom left of the screen.To batch update all galleries in a section, edit the section ......
By default, the facebook comments and like functions are in English. If you need to change the language you will need to get the correct language code from the list below. Catalan ca_ES Czech cs_CZ Welsh cy_GB Danish da_DK German de_DE Basque eu_ES English (Pirate) en_PI English (Upside Down) en_UD ......
How to batch edit pages / galleries. ......
Starting with Sytist version 0.8.5, there is a new option for Show buy icon above photo instead of displaying the products to the right of the photo when editing a price list. With that selected, instead of showing the products to the right of the photo like this: It will display a Buy Photo icon ......
Passcode Photos is a way to password protect individual photos in a gallery. It could be one or several photos for the same password. This feature is mainly used for school photography.When uploading photos for a Passcode Photos gallery, you will upload all the photos directly into the gallery. No n.....
Starting with Sytist 8.1.1 when you click the Stats of a page / gallery, it will show you the total photos and break down of photo products sold. You can click Stats from the Action menu when viewing a list of pages, or the Stats tab when viewing a page in the admin. ......
Starting with Sytist 0.8.5, you can have icons display in your menu. Below is an example. This option is when you are editing your menu links in Design -> Menu Links and edit or add a link. ......
If you offer collections or packages, here is something cool you might not be aware of. You can offer additional photo products for the collections that are not included in a collection.For example, I have a collection that includes 1: 11x14, 2: 8x10 and 6: 5x7 prints for $200 (this is just an examp ......
Hosting photos on Amazon S3 is inexpensive and delivers the photos quickly. (This option not available with Sytist Hosted, only when hosting Sytist yourself.)After you have created your S3 account and bucket you will enter in that information in your Sytist admin in Settings -> Photo Settings.No.....
The option to enable social share of individual photos, adding to favorites and comparing photos is in the Photo Display Settings of a page (view page in admin, click Photos tab next to Text & Settings then Photo Display Settings). The option is down the left of that window. You can also set it on o ......
A new setting in Sytist 0.7.7 in Settings -> Photo Sizes & Defaults is a resize quality. When photos are uploaded they are resized to create the different sizes used.The resize quality has an effect not only on the quality of the photo but the file size of the photo. The lower the quality value, ......
Using the Lightroom FTP plugin, you can export photos via FTP to the sy-upload folder in Sytist then have Sytist process the photos on the server and add them to the gallery. If you don't have the FTP plugin installed in your Lighroom, go to the Adobe Lightroom Developer Center and download the Ligh ......
Password Protecting Sub Galleries - CSV File An alternative to password protecting sub galleries is password protecting individual photos in a gallery.Whether you upload sub folders to create sub galleries in the standard photo uploader or FTP, you can create a CSV file (which is just a spreadsheet.....
I see a lot of people making the mistake of entering in their domain name or URL as their website name or meta title. This is shown in the top of the browser and will be shown in result links in search engines. But people won't be searching for your domain name, they will be searching for your busin ...... is an email marketing service to send bulk emails and now integrated with Sytist. If you have fewer than 2,000 subscribers, you can send up to 12,000 emails per month absolutely free. When using this option it will automatically send the subscriber to your MailChimp account. Getting th ......
Starting with Sytist version 1.2 is the option to have custom favicons / icons for each gallery. This is shown in the browser tab, when bookmarked and when added to the home screen of a tablet or phone. This can be enabled in Settings -> Photo Settings. The photo it creates the ......
You may see sometimes in your visitor stats IP addresses from other countries or what may seem like someone up to no good. These are most likely spam bots looking for forms to spam, crawlers looking for known hacks from other systems like wordpress, or smaller search engine crawlers. These bots ......
With Sytist you can sell products & services other than photos. For selling something like session fees or services, the best thing to do is create a Buy Page section. Here is an example of a buy page section in the demo.To do so, create a new section by going to Site Content -> Create New ......
To change the language for datesIn your Sytist admin click on Settings in the main menu. Then under the left menu click edit config file. On a blank link before the closing PHP tag which is ?> .... add these 2 lines of code (copy and paste) then save: $setup['lc_time_names'] = fr_FR; ......
The bulk uploader built into Sytist makes it easy to upload photos. But you can also upload via FTP and then process them. What is FTP? File Transfer Protocol. Basically a way to transfer files between your computer and website server. If you don't already have a FTP program, Filezilla is ......
A Stock / Art section is where you can upload photos for sale or display that are not in galleries ... like stock photos. This type of section is not for client or event galleries. This is for photos for the public to view and purchase. You can offer just downloads, just prints or both. (Note: this ......
The following codes can be used in the additional CSS section when editing your theme. Adjust the size and / or of the icons above the view photo in the menu #ssheaderinner #photomenu .the-icons { font-size: 32px; color: #890000; } Make page titles bold or other things &nb ......
If you are installing Sytist on cPanel hosting and your domain name is not pointing to that hosting yet, you can still install using the cPanel temporary URL. A cPanel temporary URL is a URL your hosting company will send you that you can use until your domain is pointed to that h ......
To move your database from one host to another, it will need to be exported from the old host and imported into the new one. Log into your hosting control panel of the host you are moving from and go to the PHPMyAdmin section. If you are using cPanel hosting, you will find it in the screen shot belo ......
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