Visitor Stats
The stats section tell you about the visitors to your website.
An overview of visitors for the day, week, month and past months.
Recent Visitors
The most recent visitors to your website. This will show you their
IP address, date / time, where they came from, entry page and total page
Click on the IP address to view details of the visitor and pages viewed.
Visitor Details
The visitor details page (clicking the IP address from the recent
visitors list) will show you the date & time they came to the
website and the pages they viewed in order.
Clicking on the IP address on this page will show you a list of all
the times they have visited. (Note this is based on their IP address.
Doesn't mean they haven't visited before from another computer or
internet connection.)
Remote host is information on their internet service provider.
Sometimes you can figure out their approximate location based on this.
It is impossible to know exactly who someone is or their location from
this information.
Browser info will tell you about they type of browser they are using.
Other information is browser, screen resolution, referral page, last time they visited and time of the last page viewed.
This tells you where your visitors are coming from. If they are
coming from a certain website, it will show on the left of the page. A
"direct hit" means the visitor typed in your website address or possible
clicked on a link from an email program.
The right of the screen will show you referrals from search engines and the search term they used to find your website.
Last 30 days
This gives you an overview of traffic over the last 30 days.
These are the most popular pages on your website viewed by day, week, & month to date.
This is a breakdown of browsers used by visitors viewing your
website. This will also tell you what version of the site was viewed:
Main site, iPad site or mobile site.
This records when search engine bots (robots) crawl your website. This is how your pages get into the search engines.
Email Logs
The email logs logs all emails sent from the server.

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