Sytist Manual > Changelog


3.0.1 July 26, 2018

  • Fixed incorrect favorites count and duplicate favorites in some cases on the customer side caused by changed in the last update. 
  • Created a fix for a bug in Google Chrome 67 where billboard / hero elements in the page designer with fixed backgrounds not showing the photo when another element has CSS animation on it.  (As soon as I created the fix, I check my Chrome version, it updated to version 68, restarted and the bug was fixed in version 68.)
  • Added a check for customer session variable when payment is being made in case it is lost (mainly on iphone) which could possibly create ghost orders or orders with the wrong content

3.0.0 July 19, 2018

Forum post on this update

  • Added the option for paid gallery extensions for expired galleries. 
  • Added the option in Paid Access to include download credits with purchase. 
  • Added the option in Paid Access to set a number of days of access 
  • Added default settings for paid access and gallery extensions when editing sections or categories.  
  • Added the option to collections/packages to not allow photos from different galleries to be added to the collection. You will find this option when editing collections. To batch update all existing collection to have this option, UPDATE ms_packages SET package_not_across_galleries='1'; 
  • Added a My Downloads section to the My Account section where customers can re-download free downloads and downloads with download credits.  (If you don't want this to show, add this code to the additional CSS section of your theme: #account-my-downloads { display: none; } 
  • Added the option to search photos and sub galleries within a gallery in the admin. 
  • Added the ability to sort photos by status for Proofing Projects in the admin  (approved, rejected, revision requests & unreviewed) . 
  • Added the option to create colored labels for photo products & collections for organizing and sorting. 
  • Changed the way products are added to a price list
  • Added the ability to sort photo products in the product base by name or price ascending or descending 
  • Added store products (and pre-sell packages) to order product export
  • Added collection options to order product export. This would need to be enabled in the export settings.
  • Added sub galleries to the vistors stats. Page views will show the sub gallery name instead of just the main gallery name. You can see the number of views for sub galleries when viewing a list of sub galleries in the admin. 
  • Added order number viewed to the visitor stats when someone views an order.
  • Added to notes and activity in accounts when someone downloads free downloads. 
  • Added the unsubscribe link to gallery invite emails sent when Automated Emails are enabled. 
  • Added the option to set price lists and descriptions when creating new sub galleries in the admin.
  • Added the option to show photos in a gallery in the admin that have no titles or keywords (in the search option). 
  • Added the ability to batch edit photo products names & internal names / ID.
  • Added the ability to batch edit collection names & internal names / ID.
  • Added which payment option was used when viewing an order in the admin (example:Square, Stripe, PayPal, etc...)
  • Added message in My Account how many download credits the customer has if they have any in their account. 
  • Reworked how sub galleries are displayed in the admin and change sub gallery action links to icons
  • Moved account actions such as edit, delete, login into an Actions tab when viewing an account in the admin. 
  • Moved product options option in Photo Products -> Product Base to an icon next to other actions. 
  • Moved the option to enable the wall designer in a price list to the price list settings (edit settings) 
  • Made it when you add a print credit to someone's account in the admin they don't have the option to delete it. 
  • Made it when someone enters in their email address to access a gallery or join the mailing list trim whitespaces from the email address so it doesn't say it is formatted incorrectly where there is a space at the end. 
  • Change the admin color scheme to gray. You can change it back to blue in Settings -> Admin/Main Settings -> Admin color
  • Fixed when saving the privacy policy triggering mod security on some hosting companies.  
  • Fixed in the booking calendar if your start times end with something other than :00 possibly skipping over the second available time. 
  • Fixed when using the page designer for a contact page that is selected for gallery exclusive, the content from the page deisgner not showing 
  • FIxed in the booking calendar when you have set unavailable times in the booking setting and another time booked at the same time not selecting the entry with the longest time which can cause some times to be available when they aren't. 
  • Fixed when searching in a main gallery that has sub galleries with a lot of search results not showing the page navigation
  • Fixed when selecting remember me when logging into an existing account not setting the cookie to remember.
  • Fixed when exporting order reports missing gallery name when the orders are archived. 
  • Fixed sometimes if your website name has a comma in it, when emails are sent missing the from name and email address. 
  • Fixed stripe payment option not capturing which type of card brand was used. 
  • Fixed when duplicating a collection not duplicating the extra photo  & extra new photo options. 

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