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Something Is Not Working In My Sytist Installation Please Help

411 posts
Wed Sep 14, 22 5:39 PM CST
I thought maybe it was a google issue or a setting with my host but I have now tried using a different email and server and getting the same results. Test emails using smtp option are all timing out. No matter what email provider I use. The PHP mailer can send a test email sometimes and it is very delayed getting sent when it works. I have tried both options under the PHP mail feature with no luck at all.

If there is ANYTHING anyone can suggest to help me resolve this issue I would really appreciate it. I have spent the entire day on the phone with Hostgator and Google trying to resolve this and have tried the 2 factor solution that was suggested by another user with no luck. I have tried a self hosted email address thinking the timeout issue was strictly a google issue and got the same result.

I am at a complete loss now and my busy season is coming up and this will cost my business in a major way.
Tim Foster
16,278 posts (admin)
Thu Sep 15, 22 6:02 AM CST
Nobody wants to believe it, the email issues are server issues.

When an email is sent from Sytist, Sytist calls the function to send the email and then it is up to the server to deliver the email.

You see the email in Stats -> Email Logs? Then SYTIST TOLD THE SERVER TO SEND THE EMAIL. Then it is up to the server to deliver the email.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
411 posts
Thu Sep 15, 22 6:51 AM CST
I am not believing anyone until I get an actual solution. I read these articles you sent with my eyes crossed. I am not a developer I am a business owner. I do not understand what any of this means and I have spent countless hour slooking for someone that can fix this rather than blame someone else. Forum threads where a bunch of people banter back and forth about what code they are trying to use to fix this issue does nothing to help me. I found this page going through the forum . It has a line of code to add that they say can fix this. I have no idea where that line of code would go but it appears to be in the PHP of the 3rd party website software that is trying to send the email. If I am wrong please correct me by sending the actual solution to be offered to whoever needs to fix it to make it work.

Please stop talking to me like I'm an idiot who doesn't know anything. I am just someone that doesn't understand THIS. I would suggest you start treating your clients as customers who do not know everything you know and instead provide customer service and troubleshooting service for the product you are collecting money from them for. I have been a client of yours since Photocart and have with no issue paid for every new product and update you have releases. All I am asking is to be treated with some respect and if not then beat me up with an actual solution that I can use instead of your condescending comments and articles that only software engineers can decipher.

Thank you
Tim Foster
16,278 posts (admin)
Thu Sep 15, 22 7:05 AM CST
How am I talking to you like a idiot? My reply above was pretty straight forward and not condescending at all.

The point is it is NOT an issue within Sytist. I deal with this almost everyday.

And if you are trying to connect to a google SMTP, google stopped support for that a while back. You should be using your server SMTP credentials as described here:
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
411 posts
Thu Sep 15, 22 7:16 AM CST
I did attempt to use my own server with the same results as Google. It didn't work. I also tried the solution another user of your services did for Google hosted emails with no success. I moved my domain to Google servers because of the issues I was having sending emails to clients from the host servers and them not getting it. I don't understand why all these other companies can figure out how to use Google mail servers and have it work. But that is another topic. And I was referring to your comment about no one believes you. Really??? I need a solution and nothing said in this forum today or in private emails has offered a workable solution.
Tim Foster
411 posts
Thu Sep 15, 22 7:37 AM CST
Did you possibly see the code that was offered as a solution to the message transport error. This is the code.... $message = wordwrap($message, 70, “rn”);
Any chance you would know where that line of code would need to go in order to use it? I am about to spend my second entire day moving my email back to the host server in hopes that something will work. I don't see any of this working since I have followed everyones instructions so far and have got nowhere. the only feature that seems to at all work is the PHP mailer and only if I could get that transport error solved.
Tim Foster
411 posts
Thu Sep 15, 22 8:57 AM CST
I finally got resolution at least a workaround for the PHP mailer transport error:

Maximum line length for SMTP transports value has been changed from 2048 (default) to 1000000 to fix the issue

I have updated it from terminal, however cx can do it from Within WHM > Exim Configuration Manager > Basic > In search bar paste "Maximum line length for SMTP transports" and updated the value. "1000000" is the maximum that can be updated and I have updated it, so that he shouldn't be facing such issues further.

I hope this helps anyone that has this issue.

No it was not Tim's fault, I just wish a solution was offered to help to know what to say to whom to get it working.

Tim Foster
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