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Sytist 3.8 Update Available

16,897 posts (admin)
Sun Oct 04, 20 6:42 AM CST
View detailed information about this update in the changelog here.

If the update hangs on unzipping (Step 2), see the bottom of this message.

Changes include:  

Added the ability to text message customers (Introduction. Manual.)

Send text messages to your customers from Sytist. This can be used for automated reminders such as gallery expiring notices, appointment reminders and more when using the automated messages feature (previously automated emails / cron job which now sends emails and text messages).

You can also directly send text messages to customers from their account with the admin area.

Updating Amazon S3
Allows for regions with both signature version 2 & 4 and also the ability to be able to change your bucket/region without affecting the existing photos. (Self hosted Sytist users)

A few other things and a handful of fixes.

View the change log here.

How to update:
The first time each day you log into the admin it will check for the update. If you have already logged into your admin today, then you won't get the notice until tomorrow.

If you are currently using Sytist version 1.0.0 or higher, you can have it check for the update again by clicking on Settings in the main menu. Then scroll down and below the left menu, click MySQL query. Copy the following line of code, paste it in the query box and click run.

UPDATE ms_history SET upgrade_check='';

Then return to your admin home page.

If the auto update feature won't work for you for some reason, you will have to manually update.

When using the auto-update from the admin and it seems to hang when trying to unzip, then the ZIP functions are probably not enabled in the PHP on your hosting. If it used to work then your host probably changed something to cause the ZIP functions in PHP to go away. You can contact your hosting company and ask them to enable the ZIP functions in PHP.
Edited Sun Oct 04, 20 6:44 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
535 posts
Sun Oct 04, 20 5:05 PM CST
Thanks Tim! I'm excited to see the new features in action.
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
133 posts
Mon Oct 05, 20 4:01 AM CST
Thanks Tim! I didn't expected that the Text-Messages will come soon. Very exciting! Setup Texting is easy and Test Messaging works, but the most important Text-Message "New Account - Admin Created - Create Password" won't work. If I click on "Send Welcome eMail" I see only the eMail-Message and there seems to be no Option to send Text Message too, although this message type has a Text Message Section under "Default eMails and Text Messages". Only the eMail is sent, but no text message is sent (I see no message in "Sent Message" Log).

If you enable Text-Message for "New Account - Admin Created - Create Password", it would be so useful to have a Replace Code for [EMAIL-ADDRESS] for the eMail-Adress of the Customer. The Account is created when customer calls for schedule Appointment. The Phone number is misstype-proof (as shown on the phones Display) but the eMail-Address is often misunderstood. So a Welcome Text-Message, where we ask the customer, if the eMail-Adress is Right, would be very helpful!
Edited Mon Oct 05, 20 4:18 AM by Lucas H.
225 posts
Wed Oct 07, 20 1:16 PM CST
I was just coming to thank you for the automated Text Messages! This will be sure my messages get through. One point of clarification. it says it will be asked in Acct Requirement if Text Messages can be received. I am not seeing that option in the settings??? see attached screen shots
Attached Photos

225 posts
Wed Oct 07, 20 1:16 PM CST
and this is where the link leads you: Is ticking that box for ask and require phone all we need to do?
Attached Photos

Edited Wed Oct 07, 20 1:17 PM by Alicia Williams
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225 posts
Wed Oct 07, 20 1:20 PM CST
I see it, when creating a new account. Can we add some language under the question? Something like...

'Allowing us to text will help make sure your appointment reminder comes through"

We will not spam you, but allowing SMS messages gives us another way to update you on your gallery status and appointments.
Attached Photos

16,897 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 08, 20 5:11 AM CST
That is in the first screenshot you posted, the language asking for consent.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
45 posts
Fri Oct 09, 20 8:04 AM CST
Thanks for the help Tim with my issue on updating! Sincerely appreciated.
Edited Fri Oct 09, 20 10:45 AM by Hart Photo
47 posts
Sun Oct 11, 20 3:59 PM CST
Replace photos with the same filename in Stock Photo Sections works perfect ;-)

Thanks Tim!!
13 posts
Mon Oct 19, 20 7:57 PM CST
I successfully updated the website without issue, but the PHP version is 5.6.40. I updated PHP to version 7.2 in my hosting control panel to be able to use the text messaging feature. But then I couldn't access the site at all until I changed it back to 5.6.40. Any thoughts on why updating the PHP version would cause this issue?
16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 20, 20 5:52 AM CST
Most likely the 7.2 PHP installation is missing the mysqli extension. You would need to contact your hosting company and have them look into it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
13 posts
Wed Oct 21, 20 6:04 PM CST
That did it! Hosting company added mysqli extension and we could access the site. Thanks Tim. But then we couldn't get any photos to upload. Switched PHP back to 5.6.40 and they uploaded just fine.
16,897 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 22, 20 9:21 AM CST
It could possibly be that the files & folders are not writable with the default permissions. But an error message would be helpful.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
13 posts
Fri Oct 23, 20 9:07 PM CST
Here is the error I'm getting after updating PHP version to 7.2 or 7.4:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/pearlspi/public_html/sy-admin/upload/sytist-upload-process.php:238
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /home/pearlspi/public_html/sy-admin/upload/sytist-upload-process.php on line 238
16,897 posts (admin)
Sat Oct 24, 20 6:04 AM CST
That error means that the "GD Library" (used to process images) is not enabled with PHP 7. You would need to let your host know that.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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11 posts
Mon Nov 30, 20 11:22 AM CST
IHi Tim:
I just upgraded and this is the message I now have:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ')' in /home/content/52/6141952/html/sy-admin/admin.functions.php on line 778

Thoughts on fixing this?
16,897 posts (admin)
Mon Nov 30, 20 11:25 AM CST
That error means the PHP version (programming language) on your hosting is really old ... like PHP 5.2 or 5.3. If you or your host can update the PHP version it will fix it. 7.3 or 7.4 would be preferable, but if you need PHP 5 for something else updating to PHP 5.6 will also fix it. No data has been lost and it can easily be fixed by updating the PHP version.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Wed Mar 24, 21 11:58 AM CST
if the unzipping has been spinning for 15 minutes, I'm going to assume I need to do it manually?
16,897 posts (admin)
Wed Mar 24, 21 12:23 PM CST
If the auto update feature won't work for you for some reason, you will have to manually update.

When using the auto-update from the admin and it seems to hang when trying to unzip, then the ZIP functions are probably not enabled in the PHP on your hosting. If it used to work then your host probably changed something to cause the ZIP functions in PHP to go away. You can contact your hosting company and ask them to enable the ZIP functions in PHP.

Copy & paste from the first post above
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Wed Mar 24, 21 1:51 PM CST
im working with them now on that! Thank you!
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