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Sytist 3.7 Update Now Available

16,706 posts (admin)
Thu Jan 09, 20 4:10 AM CST
View detailed information about this update in the changelog here.

If the update hangs on unzipping, see the bottom of this message.

A few of the changes in this update includes: 

Changes to Forms
Added to contact forms (Forms in the main admin menu) the option to set a "name" field so when emails are sent they are sent from that name instead of a version of the email address. Also a new multi-checkbox option field where the visitor can select multiple options to a question.

Site Message
The option to display a message on every page of the site which can be used to display information about a sale, dates closed, etc.... Design -> Site Message. 

Changes to the Checkout Page
Instead of just a checkbox checked with "Ship to billing address", added 2 radio buttons "Ship to billing address" and "Ship to different address" to make it more clear. Instead of the billing address on the left and shipping address on the right at checkout on the computer / larger screen view, put the shipping address option underneath the billing address. Also set a max width to the checkout form.

Bar Charts
Bar charts for visitors last 30 days and sales last 30 days added to the admin home page. Also bar charts added to the reports section.

And a lot more. View the change log here.

How to update:
The first time each day you log into the admin it will check for the update. If you have already logged into your admin today, then you won't get the notice until tomorrow.

If you are currently using Sytist version 1.0.0 or higher, you can have it check for the update again by clicking on Settings in the main menu. Then scroll down and below the left menu, click MySQL query. Copy the following line of code, paste it in the query box and click run.

UPDATE ms_history SET upgrade_check='';

Then return to your admin home page.

If the auto update feature won't work for you for some reason, you will have to manually update.

When using the auto-update from the admin and it seems to hang when trying to unzip, then the ZIP functions are probably not enabled in the PHP on your hosting. If it used to work then your host probably changed something to cause the ZIP functions in PHP to go away. You can contact your hosting company and ask them to enable the ZIP functions in PHP.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
296 posts
Fri Jan 10, 20 5:51 AM CST
getting 2 sales boxes but only 1 has graph on the admin page

graphs on Reports page are in $ and not £ as the rest of the site is


Edited Fri Jan 10, 20 6:18 AM by Michael Weeks
16,706 posts (admin)
Fri Jan 10, 20 10:33 AM CST
When it was upgrading it must have sent 2 requests so it duplicated the one chart.

To delete the duplicated chart click Settings in the main menu then underneath the left menu click MySQL query. Copy the following line code, paste it in there and click run.

DELETE FROM ms_admin_home WHERE section='home-sales-chart' LIMIT 1;

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
296 posts
Fri Jan 10, 20 3:05 PM CST

many thanks that worked

12 posts
Sun Jan 12, 20 9:06 AM CST
Since i have updated customers having issues completing orders it gets to the stage to fill in details ,lets them fill all in then gives the message of required fields not filled in
12 posts
Sun Jan 12, 20 12:00 PM CST
Never mind i messed about with settings and its back to normal
41 posts
Sun Jan 12, 20 2:03 PM CST
It's great, thank you!
Really appreciate the product description.
72 posts
Sun Jan 12, 20 8:26 PM CST
Hi, We are having the same issue as Laurence Dunne "Since i have updated customers having issues completing orders it gets to the stage to fill in details ,lets them fill all in then gives the message of required fields not filled in".
Laurence/Tim what settings did you change to get it back to normal?
16,706 posts (admin)
Mon Jan 13, 20 5:32 AM CST
I have been unable to duplicate that. Does it highlight a field when you get that message? It should.

Is it set to have to type in the email address and password twice? (a setting in Settings -> Account Requirements).
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
7 posts
Mon Jan 13, 20 9:04 AM CST
Hi Tim,

Since updating to 3.7, I have a Client that can't checkout as well. He is getting an error that says "You have required fields empty", but all of the fields are filled in. When I test it, I do not have an issue. My Client is using Internet Explorer, I am using Safari, if that makes a difference?

Also, when I try to remove an individual item from a cart in the admin panel, I can not. I can however delete an entire cart.

Thank you,
72 posts
Mon Jan 13, 20 5:09 PM CST
Just checked: Settings -> Account Requirements and found that ' Require customers to type in email address twice to confirm it is correct.' and Require customers to type in password twice to confirm it is correct. were ticked. We don't recall having turned them on so maybe the update activated these settings? We have turned these options off to see if that fixes it

We have have had about 5 customers have this problem (does not affect all orders).
72 posts
Tue Jan 14, 20 12:00 AM CST
Unchecking those options does not seem to fix it. We have had a customer try Chrome and also safari with no luck still. Here is a screen grab that he supplied us
Attached Photos

248 posts
Tue Jan 14, 20 2:04 AM CST
I'm experiencing the same problems customer called me right now saying than can't checkout because get the a.m.message,but all the fields are full.
Windows with Chrome

Update, another customer just placed an order without problems.
Edited Tue Jan 14, 20 2:38 AM by Marco Cappalunga
16,706 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 14, 20 5:35 AM CST
I have released an update this morning that will fix it (3.7.1).

If you need it to check for an update again today by clicking on Settings in the main menu. Then scroll down and below the left menu, click MySQL query. Copy the following line of code, paste it in the query box and click run.

UPDATE ms_history SET upgrade_check='';

Then return to your admin home page.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
248 posts
Tue Jan 14, 20 8:47 AM CST
Updated ,it works now, the customer was able to order .
Thanks Tim.
24 posts
Sun Jan 19, 20 7:14 PM CST
I am running 3.7.1 and am experiencing the same checkout bug. Customers unable to checkout because billing address is being flagged as incomplete when it is in fact complete. Screen shot attached.

Not sure what I can do to complete these orders. Any help is appreciated!
24 posts
Sun Jan 19, 20 7:15 PM CST
If it helps, I was able to duplicate this error with Mac and Firefox today.
24 posts
Sun Jan 19, 20 7:16 PM CST
screenshot attached. no idea why it is rotated. Sorry.
Attached Photos

24 posts
Sun Jan 19, 20 7:20 PM CST
Discovered that if a customer clicks on "Ship to a different address" and then back to "Ship to billing address" that they are allowed to checkout.
Not sure if that helps pinpoint the error.
16,706 posts (admin)
Mon Jan 20, 20 6:45 AM CST
Did you use the auto update to do the update or did you manually upload the files?

Post or email me a link where I can add something to cart and go to checkout so I can test it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
24 posts
Wed Jan 22, 20 1:05 PM CST
Hi Tim, Sorry I didn't respond more quickly. I will email you now. Thanks for your help. Brian
21 total messages
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