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Galleries On Home Page

9 posts
Sat Feb 01, 25 6:27 PM CST

Hi, i have created a couple of sub galleries under my Event Galleries section, and added teh section to my home page (I think), but I am not seeing the 2 sub-galleries when i look at the site. Any idea which step of the set up i may have missed?

16,897 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 03, 25 4:11 AM CST

You haven't actually created any galleries. You create a section then 2 "categories" under that section. 

To create a gallery, click the Add New Gallery button when in the Site Content area. 

The Getting Started Video Tutorial goes over creating a gallery. 

If you want to display Sections or Categories on your home page, go to Site Content -> Manage Homepage then "Featured Sections". 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Mon Feb 03, 25 7:03 AM CST

Hi Tim,

thanks for the response. I have created a number of galleries under a section, but cant seem to get the section displayed on the home page. Any suggestions?

16,897 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 03, 25 7:08 AM CST

It's because you changed the layout of the homepage. I changed it back to what it is supposed to be  (home page) and they are showing now.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Mon Feb 03, 25 7:16 AM CST

Thanks Tim. I think I now have 3 galleries in the client section. How do i create sub galleries in these for the actual event galleries?

16,897 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 03, 25 10:44 AM CST

You can upload folders of photos to automatically create sub galleries based on the folder structure. 

You can also manually create sub galleries while in the Photos tab of a gallery.

Uploading Photos

Upload Folders to Create Sub Galleries Option

This option will allow you to select a folder of photos to upload with supported browsers. If the folder you select has sub-folders it will automatically create sub-galleries based on the folder structure. 

Example, you have a main folder called "Bill & Gloria Wedding" and inside that are folders of photos call Ceremony, Reception, Bride & Groom, etc ... You select the Bill & Gloria folder and it will create sub-galleries Ceremony, Reception, Bride & Groom.

Unfortunately, at this time the selecting and uploading folders does not work with Apple Safari (selecting photos does, just not folders), last tested with Safari 11.0.2. The Safari browser does not support the webkitRelativePath property which is needed to for this to work with folders. It also does not work in Internet Explorer.

Browsers that do support selecting a folder and latest versions tested:

  • Chrome (63)
  • Firefox (57)
  • Microsoft Edge (41)
  • Opera (49)
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Mon Feb 03, 25 11:55 AM CST

Hi Tim, thanks for responding. I really like the way Sytist handles teh photos, but the one thing I'm struggling with is the structure of the site and the elements to build it.

I'm looking to set up a site which will have a home page which links to clients. Those clients will have different events which in turn will have different activities. So drilling down from client ---> event----> class---->entrant.

Is this achievable? If so what would the best way to configure Sytist to achieve this. I recognise there is an element of consultancy  in this, but it's fundamental (and hopefully once-off) but while the support documentation is plentiful, this aspect of setting up the site via a 1-2-3 style of instruction is something I'd find really useful. Get the basic site built then work on the finer points using the support documention/videos is something I would value.

It maybe there are some fundamental understanding that I'm not having, but keen to get something set up in the 14 days which i feel would serve me going forward into the new season, and not rely on FAcebook for future presence, as not all interested parties have FB.

Many Thanks


16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 04, 25 3:59 AM CST

An event would be a gallery. Then you can create sub galleries under that gallery.

The same way you would organize them on your computer. 

XYZ Event

---- sub gallery

---- sub gallery

---- ---- sub sub gallery

And so on.

You can create "Categories" for your events if you want (+ Category under your main section in the left menu of the site content area) and put Event Galleries in there.

But whatever event it is you are covering would be a "Gallery" that contains "Sub Galleries".

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Tue Feb 04, 25 4:01 AM CST

Thanks Tim. So could a category relate to a client? Then have events under categories?

16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 04, 25 4:04 AM CST

You can create "Categories" for your events if you want (+ Category under your main section in the left menu of the site content area) and put Event Galleries in there.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 04, 25 4:04 AM CST

You can create whatever categories you want.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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