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Cannot Create New Galleries, Nor Make Changes To Gallery Settings

19 posts
Thu Feb 08, 24 6:35 PM CST

I am currently using version 4.0.2 and have not any tech issues at all with this version until now. 

As of two days ago:

1. I can no longer create new galleries. I click "Create New Gallery", enter a title for the gallery, click  "continue",  but no gallery is created

2. I can no longer make adjustments in the "Text and Settings" menu option under Galleries (see attached photo of screenshot), i.e. adjust my text and settings such as expiration date. All of those fields have completly vanished.

Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting? I have not made any other website changes, etc.  so not sure what the root issue is. thanks for the help!

Attached Photos

Edited Thu Feb 08, 24 6:40 PM by beverly wright
16,476 posts (admin)
Fri Feb 09, 24 6:24 AM CST

Your host probably updated the PHP and you probably need to upgrade your Sytist to become compatible.

How to update.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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