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How Do You Include Images With Session Fee

61 posts
Tue Nov 28, 23 2:33 PM CST

Some of my session fees include downloads (Christmas being the current situation). I currently have it set up where there are a few options, the zero dollar included collection or other upgrade collections. This works overall but there are always a few people that choose to just add several zero dollar collections to their cart (I don't see a way to limit to one per purchase but maybe I am missing that?) and end up downloading more images than they paid for. I have downloads automated to make things easier on me but other than changing that is there an easier method I am overlooking? Download credits possibly? I have played with that but I do prefer it on the gallery page vs account I think - but I haven't explored it thoroughly.

Edited Tue Nov 28, 23 2:41 PM by Season Moore
16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Nov 29, 23 4:56 AM CST

Issuing them download credits would be the way to go. They redeem their credit then download the photos while they are viewing them in the gallery.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
61 posts
Wed Nov 29, 23 5:10 PM CST

Thank you for getting me squared away! There is no notification when people download is there? I upload their files to some labs after they select so it would be nice to have a reminder when selections are made.

16,477 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 30, 23 3:58 AM CST

There is no notification when they download a photo with download credits.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
61 posts
Mon Feb 12, 24 1:12 PM CST

Argh back to this - when people have a session with a headshot included It goes to a retoucher before they can download. It doesn't look like that's possible to do with the print credits, it's just an immediate download? Just had it happen again - they added three "included" (zero dollars) files to their cart and checked out. Some include several so I have them set up like collections - would love to limit one per purchase. 

Edited Mon Feb 12, 24 1:40 PM by Season Moore
463 posts
Mon Feb 12, 24 1:43 PM CST
Season Moore wrote:

Argh back to this - when people have a session with a headshot included It goes to a retoucher before they can download. It doesn't look like that's possible to do with the print credits, it's just an immediate download? Just had it happen again - they added three "included" (zero dollars) files to their cart and checked out. Some include several so I have them set up like collections - would love to limit one per purchase. 

On your downloads you need to select " "

Attached Photos

61 posts
Mon Feb 12, 24 1:44 PM CST

That doesn't seem to work with download credits or am I mistaken?

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 12, 24 2:11 PM CST

1) Create a download product and check the option to not allow download until you approve it (or use one that already has that selected).

2) Create a collection and select " I will assign products to the collection".

3) Add that download product to that collection.

4) Create a Print Credit (Photo Products -> Print Credits) (not download credit) using that collection you created. 

They can redeem the print credit, place the order, but can not download until you replace and  approve it. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
61 posts
Mon Feb 12, 24 3:58 PM CST
9 total messages
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Category: Photo Products
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