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Tooo Many Files Per 1 Image Loaded To Website

47 posts
Sun Nov 19, 23 7:14 PM CST

My webspace allows me 1,048,576 files 

PROBLEM is that sytist creates 5 files for every 1 image.

WHY is this?????

Before covid I was able to load 20k to 70k image s every other weekend and it was never an issue.

Now I am being UNABLE to load a 60 k image gallery.

Doing that creates about 300K files.

This is a problem for upcoming events.

How do I solve the image count versus the file count??

Thank you in advance

Edited Sun Nov 19, 23 8:18 PM by Christopher Stockman
388 posts
Mon Nov 20, 23 2:03 AM CST

The problem is your hosting creating restrictions on the number of files you can hold on the server at any one time for your particular business model - one that needs to upload such huge number of image files would create problems for any host.

They all do this, and a 1 million file limit is actually very generous.

Your solution lies in hosting image files off server on Amazon s3, and Sytist is adaptable enough to offer such as solution.  See

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Nov 20, 23 8:37 AM CST

Why is this a problem now after all these years? It has always been like that. The different files are used in different places.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
47 posts
Mon Nov 20, 23 9:11 AM CST

During the covid years I rarely uploaded large galleries of images and never gave the file count a thought as I was always well below the 1 million 48 thousand number.

It never dawned on me that sytist would need to make 5 files for every 1 image.

new question is

If I upload images that are already watermarked and when processing, choose "DO NOT WATERMARK" , will that create fewer files??

I am still in process of trying to break free of my oldsystem using win XP which was allways Rock solid, and moving into Windows 11, but every step I try to make my working environment easy the differences keep throwing me back to WIN XP.

32 bit systems dont play well with 64 bit systems

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Nov 20, 23 11:28 AM CST

Watermarking won't make a difference on how many files there are. 

If file count is an issue, Hosting photo files with Amazon S3.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
463 posts
Mon Nov 20, 23 7:41 PM CST
Christopher Stockman wrote:

During the covid years I rarely uploaded large galleries of images and never gave the file count a thought as I was always well below the 1 million 48 thousand number.

It never dawned on me that sytist would need to make 5 files for every 1 image.

new question is

If I upload images that are already watermarked and when processing, choose "DO NOT WATERMARK" , will that create fewer files??

I am still in process of trying to break free of my oldsystem using win XP which was allways Rock solid, and moving into Windows 11, but every step I try to make my working environment easy the differences keep throwing me back to WIN XP.

32 bit systems dont play well with 64 bit systems

Your home system and your website hosting account have nothing in common. The only thing effected is your browser, and chrome is no longer  providing updates for anything older than windows 10, probably most if not all browsers are following those footsteps. So you should upgrade your system. Software for 32bit or 64bit are a bit different.

47 posts
Wed Nov 22, 23 9:26 PM CST


Is there a way for sytist to liimit the number of images created for each image I upload.

Currently I upload 1 image and there are 4 more created.

It seems excessive to require 5 different image sizes (5 files)

so if I upload 50k images the website thinks I have 250k files which technically it does have 250k new files.

I have not tried the amazon s3 account yet as it seems like a bunch of extra complication

Again, this was never a problem in the past when I was using photocart and the early sytist

16,477 posts (admin)
Fri Nov 24, 23 4:34 AM CST

There is not an option. It is just the way it works and has always worked.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
47 posts
Wed Jan 03, 24 8:34 PM CST

Curious if anyone has any experience with cloud data center from the same host as their website is on?

Is it possible to simply use a data center and move the images to that data center and link the website to the data center location?

I am trying to avoid the use of amazon s3 account as it appears to be a lot of extra steps to get photos showing on the website.


if anybody already uses an amazon s3 account and has a streamline workflow that is willing to share how they do it, that would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


463 posts
Wed Jan 03, 24 8:45 PM CST
Christopher Stockman wrote:

Curious if anyone has any experience with cloud data center from the same host as their website is on?

Is it possible to simply use a data center and move the images to that data center and link the website to the data center location?

I am trying to avoid the use of amazon s3 account as it appears to be a lot of extra steps to get photos showing on the website.


if anybody already uses an amazon s3 account and has a streamline workflow that is willing to share how they do it, that would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


Probably 80% of the users on here use S3, there are no extra steps to get them on your website except for a one time setup. That's it. When you upload just set your photo options once to upload automatically to S3. Please read the directions in the manual.   Your current galleries will need to each be done manually, but once set up it is automatic for any gallery you upload there after. There is no other storage available other than host storage or S3.

Edited Thu Jan 04, 24 6:56 AM by Vance Birno
148 posts
Thu Jan 04, 24 8:05 AM CST

I would suggest you change to Saratoga hosting.

We changed several years ago and Dave (I think that's his name)switched us over ans setup the amazon s3 account and did all the work for a very reasonable fee.

I went from having all kinds of issues every month to so few problems I can't even remember when I last spoke to Dave, so long ago that I m not joking when I had to stretch my brain for his name.

I would never go back from S3

463 posts
Thu Jan 04, 24 9:18 AM CST
Pridhams Studio wrote:

I would suggest you change to Saratoga hosting.

We changed several years ago and Dave (I think that's his name)switched us over ans setup the amazon s3 account and did all the work for a very reasonable fee.

I went from having all kinds of issues every month to so few problems I can't even remember when I last spoke to Dave, so long ago that I m not joking when I had to stretch my brain for his name.

I would never go back from S3

I have had ZERO problems with S3, your problems were most likely because of you host. I would never self host my content again. I have been using s3 3 for over 10 years and like I said ZERO problems.

Edited Thu Jan 04, 24 4:16 PM by Vance Birno
47 posts
Mon Jan 08, 24 6:40 PM CST

OK - this has turned me into a FILE COUNTER.

I believe sytist needs about 32,000 files to operate?

Tim can you confirm this number please? or tell me how many files would be in a fresh install?

I only have about 62,000 files as picture files (12,400 x 5 images - roughly)

IONOS allows me 1,048,576 files

my website provider "Ionos" says I have 897,639 files and that number grows for no apparent reason every time I look at it. it gets larger by about 11 or 12 files for each order I receive , but it can grow by 100 to 300 files for no apparent reason after a few hours of not checking it. this is in the website admin area not the sytist admin.

I Cannot for the life of me locate anyplace in sytist or on my website space that has 800,000 files that are not really necessary.

?? would be is sytist creating log files that are growing for no apparent reason based on people visiting the site, or some othe paarameters 


does anyone know if my webhosting would be creating files that are gobbling up the allocated files allowed.

I think if i can find out where all these hundreds of thousands of files are residing then I should be able to solve the "file count quota" problem.

Thank you in advance for any/all help.


463 posts
Mon Jan 08, 24 8:19 PM CST

Sorry to interject, but what i think you are seeing is inode count and yes shared hosting plans Inodes=files. Things that effect that count: Cron job is a killer if you are sending out reminders, abandoned carts ETC. this will add up quick if you are sending daily and how many cron job's you are sending out. Email self hosted email, each one will be one Inode in or out. Large files may count as more than one Inode.  People adding items to a cart, this creates an Inode, There are other things that effect the Inode count, if you already know this info, sorry, it was just a thought. You may want to ask your host if a person clicks on a photo does it go against  File/inode count. Also check to see if your host can find if your site is being leached. Curious to see what tim says.

463 posts
Mon Jan 08, 24 8:28 PM CST

Sorry again, in your hosting C-panel you should have a Inode count icon, if you do it should show you the folders/directory that probably has a minimum of 1000 Inodes/files. This may help you find the problem. 

16,477 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 09, 24 4:48 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
47 posts
Tue Jan 09, 24 10:54 AM CST

That was the problem for the past 2 months.

now that I have the file count down to 71k,

should that line of code be put back in to the editconfig file?

16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Jan 10, 24 3:29 AM CST

No, don't put that line of code back.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
22 posts
Thu Jan 11, 24 3:31 PM CST

I just went through this. Listen to everyone and set up S3. It costs me an additional $3 per month.

It was somewhat easy to do, but they ask you where your nearest location is and give you a list. It's not your location they're looking for, but your hosting location, or maybe Tim's location, I'm not sure. But, once I changed it from Ohio (where I live) to Virginia, like magic, all of my problems with Blue Host* went away. My site is so small now!!

*All of my problems with Blue Host will never go away, so I'm switching to Saratoga next week!!!! Blue Host wanted to shut me down during Halloween/Christmas seasons and was a total nightmare for me.

463 posts
Fri Jan 12, 24 6:42 AM CST
Martha Widdowson wrote:

I just went through this. Listen to everyone and set up S3. It costs me an additional $3 per month.

It was somewhat easy to do, but they ask you where your nearest location is and give you a list. It's not your location they're looking for, but your hosting location, or maybe Tim's location, I'm not sure. But, once I changed it from Ohio (where I live) to Virginia, like magic, all of my problems with Blue Host* went away. My site is so small now!!

*All of my problems with Blue Host will never go away, so I'm switching to Saratoga next week!!!! Blue Host wanted to shut me down during Halloween/Christmas seasons and was a total nightmare for me.

I keep saying Bluehost is the worst because it is, RUN! In your S3 account for the server use --- US east see photo and then name a bucket in your account to anything you want. Then add all that info into sytist. see photo

Attached Photos

502 posts
Sat Jan 13, 24 1:37 PM CST
Christopher, I had the same issue, and yes the solution really is moving to Amazon S3.  Once it's set up you will have no more worries about the number of files.

I had hoped to use one of those "free unlimited" website plans but it turns out they are limited in a few ways, the number of files and the number of data queries from Sytist pushed me over pretty quickly.

If you need help setting it up I know a guy :)

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
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