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Add Text Below Slideshow On Home Page

2 posts
Sat May 20, 23 2:55 PM CST

Hi. I'm new here. I've been demoing for under 24 hours. Trying to build. Lots of cursing.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add text BELOW the slideshow on the home page. Please advise. Thanks.

247 posts
Sat May 20, 23 3:20 PM CST

If you use the Page Designer is quite easy, you just add a block of text under the slideshow.
If you are still practicing, just create a new page and use Page Designer to experiment all the blocks you find on the right of the Designer itself.
Look at my Homepage, I created with Page Designer, I have no text under the photo, but just to give you the idea.

Edited Sat May 20, 23 3:22 PM by Marco Cappalunga
1 posts
Sat May 20, 23 5:47 PM CST

Yes, that would make perfect sense, but it doesn't work like that. The yellow bar is above, not below the slideshow. 

How you do batch upload images to a gallery? I created a portfolio page, and created 4 galleries, but I can't upload photos to them. There's no button for it.

Edited Sat May 20, 23 6:16 PM by Jennifer DeVera
247 posts
Sun May 21, 23 8:38 AM CST

When you choose the element you want to use, you have to drag it below the slideshow and release it on the yellow bar.
The yellow bar, appears where you drag the element.

2 posts
Sun May 21, 23 7:07 PM CST

There is no yellow bar below the slideshow. It never appears there. Only above. Never below.

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247 posts
Mon May 22, 23 12:48 AM CST

As you will see from the attached image, when I drag the Text the yellow bar appears.
Sorry if I write things that may appear obvious but without knowing how you do that I just explain the procedure.
Once you open the page designer you have to click on "Add design element" so that the menu on the left appears, then click on "Heading and Text". There you can choose which kind of text you want to add.
Click on "Plain text..." and drag it below the slideshow and you should see the yellow bar where to release the element you've just added.

Attached Photos

Edited Mon May 22, 23 12:49 AM by Marco Cappalunga
16,476 posts (admin)
Mon May 22, 23 4:57 AM CST

You are using the standard slideshow for the page and with that there is not an option to add text above AND below the slideshow.

You should use the Page Designer instead which allows you to do that and a whole lot more.

Page Designer Information.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Category: Site Design
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