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Cleantalk For Spam

24 posts
Sun May 23, 21 5:35 PM CST
Is it possible to add cleantalk the universal PHP addon to sytist? Obviously, there is more setup involved to add the locations of the forms and such.

Has anyone done it? or is this a possibility in the future of sytist. Cleantalk is literally a lifesaver to get rid of spam on my other sites and I would love to integrate it into sytist.

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon May 24, 21 4:39 AM CST
You can use reCAPTCHA which was added in the last update in Settings -> reCAPTCHA
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
24 posts
Mon May 24, 21 9:56 AM CST
Thank Tim. I already previously activate recaptcha v2 but it really isn't reliable. Spammers still get by it and v3 isn't much better. I have used both v2 and v3 on my photobooth site which runs on Wordpress and was still getting a lot of spam. Since I have been using cleantalk for the past year I have not gotten one spammer and they all have been blocked.


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Category: Forms
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