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Zip Files Not Opening

324 posts
Sat Oct 19, 19 7:33 AM CST
I have 37 webpage sized optimized jpg images on a page I selected all. Then, downloaded to my computer. The Zip file will not open. Says the file in invalid. The images are hosted on AWS S3, Sytist on Saratoga. What could be causing this?
Edited Sat Oct 19, 19 7:35 AM by M Davis
M Davis
301 posts
Sat Oct 19, 19 7:54 AM CST
There is a limit on how many files that can be downloaded in a zip file. You can find that in photo settings "Download zip file limit" Depending on file size and quantity setting this to high may also cause problems.
324 posts
Sat Oct 19, 19 2:26 PM CST
Thank you! I checked that and it still is not working.
M Davis
16,476 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 21, 19 4:52 AM CST
Does the zip file not get created or does it create and just won't open?

Does it have a file size more than 0kb?

Has this worked before?
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
324 posts
Mon Oct 21, 19 7:42 AM CST
The file is created. Properties display 13.1 MB. Just when unzipping indicates the file is invalid.
Yes, it has been working up until about a week ago. It seems like just after a MS 10 update.
M Davis
16,476 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 21, 19 9:11 AM CST
Email me the zip file or a link where I can download it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
324 posts
Mon Oct 21, 19 2:22 PM CST
Email Sent!
M Davis
16,476 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 22, 19 5:14 AM CST
Where did you download the zip file, front the font end like a customer ( from an order or free downloads) or from the admin?

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
324 posts
Tue Oct 22, 19 11:57 AM CST
On the Admin area as follows:

Using a Chrome Browser

Admin > Top Level Pages > [Name of with the photos] Page > Photos > Select All Photos > Download Icon (in the tray at the bottom of page)

which then prompts where to save the zip file. I select the desktop.
Edited Tue Oct 22, 19 11:57 AM by M Davis
M Davis
324 posts
Tue Oct 22, 19 12:34 PM CST
I tested downloading photos from the customer side - after signing in as a customer - the same happens on that end as well.
M Davis
324 posts
Tue Oct 22, 19 12:43 PM CST
I recently updated the Robots file and Htaccess file, I emailed the same to you and your admin login access to my website, if needed.
M Davis
16,476 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 23, 19 5:19 AM CST
Apparently a file or files got corrupted or something. I re-uploaded the Sytist files and it is working now.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
324 posts
Wed Oct 23, 19 6:47 AM CST
Thank you!
M Davis
57 posts
Tue Nov 05, 19 10:08 AM CST
Hi Tim,
I am having the same issues with downloading zip files. I have reduced the size and the number of files in one zip. It downloads the zip but doesn't unzip it. I have done this on admin end as well as client login. My client has also logged and that is how I know there are problems.

When client downloads individual files, they will not open "we don't support this file". I tried it and it opens in Photoshop but no other programs. They download fine as an administrator from the back and open up in other programs so they are formated as a jpg file.

Thank you,
Edited Tue Nov 05, 19 10:33 AM by Cynthia Dover
16,476 posts (admin)
Wed Nov 06, 19 3:02 AM CST
Probably the same issue as above and the files need to be re-uploaded.

You can download the files from your order in the my account section here:

Unzip the zip file and upload the contents of the sytist_UPGRADE_files following the manually upgrading instructions (basically just replacing the files)

This will fix the corrupted files. If you are unable to upload the files yourself you can email me your FTP information or have Dave upload the files.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
7 posts
Sun Feb 04, 24 5:16 AM CST

Similar issue here for me - I am on Version 4.7.3 - I am trying to download original files from admin area. Just two images (tiny) - the zips are zero kb and the unarchiver (Mac) says unsupported file type - ctrl lick and I force the unarchive to work and no dice either. I am in the admin side I have tried within the gallery (admin) and from the upload session from all photos. Do I need to do as above? many thanks.

16,476 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 05, 24 4:29 AM CST

No, this thread is over 4 years old. Most likely  you have some sort of sever issue. You can email me the following for me to look into it: 

1) The link / URL to your Sytist admin (where you log into your Sytist admin).

2) The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).

It may be a few days before I can look into it because I will be out of the office.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
7 posts
Mon Feb 05, 24 5:05 AM CST

Thanks Tim - I will send and email - no rush catch up when back in.

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