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My Emails Are Going To Recipient's Spam

52 posts
Tue Jul 02, 19 2:29 AM CST
I have been using Sytist happily for a few months now, but a new problem has reared its head.

I use gmail, with the "send mail as" option set to

People are increasingly telling me that my emails are going straight to their spam folder , or not arriving at all. This is happening with both new contacts and people I've been emailing this way for years.

Any suggestions please ? I'm using my gmail account caroljayxxx in the interim but obviously would rather return to
16,271 posts (admin)
Tue Jul 02, 19 11:18 AM CST
When an email is sent from Sytist, it basically tells the server to send the email. Then it is up to the server to do that.

You will just have to get your host to look into it. It could be that the IP address of your site has been marked as spam (could be from other sites on the same server sending from the same IP address). You host may be able to do other things to help them go through too.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
43 posts
Sun Aug 11, 19 8:08 PM CST
I have also only recently been having this issue as well. If I email them directly, no problem. But if I try to send them an email through stylist, they're not getting it. And it's also seeming like when i just send an email through my regular email system and include a link to my website, it's also not going though. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the 'not secure' that is in the url ???
16,271 posts (admin)
Mon Aug 12, 19 5:00 AM CST
Possibly. To make the links have https:

In your Sytist admin by click Settings in the main menu, then underneath the left menu click "edit config file".

Change this line:

$setup['url'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."";


$setup['url'] = "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."";

Notice we are adding a s to http.

And save.
Edited Mon Aug 12, 19 5:00 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
13 posts
Tue Oct 01, 19 11:48 AM CST
I have recently been having this problem as well. I will try your fix as well.

38 posts
Sat Dec 28, 19 7:07 PM CST
I was having a huge problem with this and think I found the problem...when sending from the website server it was almost always going to spam. I even setup to get my emails copied to my gmail account and had to setup a filter to "not" send it to spam. There would even be a message when the filter would work saying "this should be in spam but your filter won't allow it". I knew I had a problem. I just set it up as sending from my e-mail sever (so I also get any bounced emails back)...and I'm thinking the ISP's think it's a more legit email since it's coming from my server that there is no problem. So far all is working well!

Hope this helps others with the same issue!
61 posts
Fri Oct 16, 20 10:13 AM CST
I am bumping this because at this point NO ONE gets emails sent through my cart, including myself. Has anyone successfully got it worked out? I have the https on my config file. I have lost business because "people don't hear back from me" so I am going to have to figure something out.
Edited Fri Oct 16, 20 10:17 AM by Season Moore
61 posts
Fri Oct 16, 20 10:33 AM CST
Attempted to switch to smtp mailer and got a big error on the "sending test email" screen so haven't successfully figured that one out. UPDATE: still getting an error on the smtp test screen BUT A client said they actually see an email not in spam so something is working. Error starts with:

Edited Fri Oct 16, 20 10:50 AM by Season Moore
57 posts
Fri Oct 16, 20 5:56 PM CST
I will 4th this problem!! Sending a gallery - it always goes to spam or not at all. Was just going to add this to a topic.
61 posts
Fri Oct 16, 20 7:02 PM CST
Moving to SMTP didn't fix it - maybe improved it a little but most people I sent to today never saw anything. No one thinks to check spam (myself included). I really don't know how to work around this, it sucks.
24 posts
Sat Oct 17, 20 11:46 AM CST
Maybe I can shed some light on things. As of late a lot of shared hosting and even paid service smtp have been getting their emails blacklisted or ending up in spam folders. I have been dealing with this on my own private server for 3 months now. I run a private server for my web clients and for my photography business. I have 32 IP addresses and for awhile I was using my own IP addresses to send out my emails which was working fine, they were clean and had a good reputation and until about 3 months ago several spam services such as spamhause started blocking and seeing my emails to spam for no reason, upon further research they started blocking entire IP subnets which included legitimate emails. Their response is that the subnet was spammy which is wasn't. I switched my server over to a new set of ips and they have never been used and within 3 weeks the same thing happened again. This was beyond frustrating for both my photography clients and my web clients.

After doing research and speaking with people from both mailgun and sendgrid who deal with these type of companies daily they told me that they were cracking down on spam big time and this was a normal progression of where things were going. More companies are getting super aggressive spam services like spamhause which even blocks legit emails. My solution which has worked for several months now was to pony up an extra $90 a month and route all my server mail through sendgrid through a dedicated ip address which is whitelisted with these services. Mailgun offers the same services for the same price. I have not had one bounced or blocked email since going to a paid third party sender. BTW both companies offer lower priced plans but I tried those too, like sendgrid has a 14.95 plan a month but most of those shared ips get blocked and it is hit and miss. I used the shared 14.95 plan for a month until spamhause did a update and then basically everything was blocked or sent to spam folders. So the only option was the $90 private IP option.

Before I got my private server I ran photocart on godaddy and my emails were always getting blocked or sent to spam and half the time I would not even get a bounceback. I am pretty happy now, not happy to have to shell out the extra money to have the email work but I guess it is the cost of doing business.

61 posts
Tue Oct 20, 20 8:37 PM CST
Is there a way to copy myself on all the emails so I can then forward to clients? That may have to be the interim solution during the holiday rush. My host is ionios (the old 1&1) but the thought of moving servers seems quite overwhelming at the moment. I manage to get emails when I make hair appts, dr appts, place orders, etc so it's frustrating!
24 posts
Tue Oct 20, 20 10:12 PM CST

I would call Ionios and tell them your issue with email. Maybe they can route you on another one of their mail servers.

16,271 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 21, 20 5:57 AM CST
Troubleshooting emails:

And you should contact your host for help. It is up to the server to send out the email.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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