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Pricing And Options - Dance Recital

38 posts
Tue Jun 04, 19 12:23 PM CST
Tim -

I have a complex situation that I'm trying to get figured out prior to two dance recitals this upcoming weekend.

I'm leaning towards the following pricing situation:
Buy All - Single Piece (single number) for $30
Buy All - Single Pieces x5 (single numbers) for $75
Buy All - Single Pieces x10 (single numbers for $100

The problem I can't wrap my head around is that each of these recitals have multiple show times. So you might have a morning, afternoon, and an evening show. Some of the "pieces" within the shows may overlap.

How can I have a customer issue a "Buy All" and select multiple pieces to get the discount (A)? How can i have a customer issue a "Buy All" when pieces overlap morning, afternoon, and evening and they want all images from all three versions of the same piece (B)? Is there a way to have customers "pre-order" buy all's as credits or something at a discounted rate before the shows and the images are made active?

Sorry for the long winded post, I absolutely love the software now that I've done some tweaking, I'm just still working through some of these logistics.
16,278 posts (admin)
Wed Jun 05, 19 11:55 AM CST
One thing you might be able to do is tell them to add their photos to their favorites then buy all favorites. That will help with the buy alls and photos across multiple sub galleries.

Another option would be if they are just purchasing downloads, they can add the downloads to cart and use the quantity discount option for that product in the price list so the more they purchase the cheaper they get.

Not really an option to purchase a buy all with a pre-order.

Maybe someone else will chime in on this with experience in this situation.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
38 posts
Wed Jun 05, 19 2:37 PM CST
The buy all favorites option sounds like a great option. How would you configure that as an option in the admin view?
16,278 posts (admin)
Thu Jun 06, 19 5:23 AM CST
Basically you create your buy all product:

Then in your price list (Photo Products -> Price Lists), create a new product group and select the option "I will be placing Buy Alls in this product group". Then add your buy all to that product group.

If all the photos in their favorites are from the same price list, then they will be able to purchase all their favorites with that buy all.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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