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I Surrender - Cannot Get Pages / Galleries Hierarchy To Work

5 posts
Thu Dec 06, 18 1:42 PM CST

OK, I have all the back end stuff done, including theme edits payment system, etc. However, I cannot figure out your hierarchy to get galleries set up with photos and proper menu links. I did a redirect from my siteground hosted WordPress theme to just use Systist as the full website, but I have not seen one video that shows functional aspects of setup - they are all cosmetic or fill in the blank tutorials. I admit that I am under the gun to get this done by tomorrow, and I may be missing thins (evidently), but this is just not logical.

I have used Imagequix, Zenfolio, and NextGen, built like 7 websites (html and WordPress), but this is crazy.

I am looking for a simple way to apply page templates within a theme and set a menu to access the galleries from my home page. Then repeat as I add more galleries.


23 posts
Thu Dec 06, 18 5:44 PM CST
In terms of creating a gallery hierarchy, first you create a section. When you go to the Site Content page there is a button to do so. Then you can either create gallery pages directly within the section or add categories, which can then contain pages. You upload photos to the pages. If you hover underneath your section name, you'll see links to add a category or add the category to the website menu. When you create a section or category, there are a bunch of options for settings that become the defaults for subsequent categories or pages. For example on my website,, "Horse Shows" is a section, "Warrenton Horse Show 2018" is a category underneath it, "Wednesday" is a category underneath that, and "Awards" is a page. I have an older version of Sytist and am not completely sure I understand your question but perhaps that will help.
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16,595 posts (admin)
Fri Dec 07, 18 3:46 AM CST
Is it you are wanting to have your galleries display on the home page?
If so go to Site Content -> Manage Home Page and click the Featured Content / Galleries option then you can select the section of galleries you want to display on the home page.

Or are you trying to create categories and sub-categories of galleries?
If so, in the Site Content area, in the left menu underneath the section you created or galleries, click the +category link.

To add a link in your main menu to your galleries section, go to Design -> Menu Links.

I am a little unclear on what you are trying to accomplish.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
5 posts
Fri Dec 07, 18 11:47 AM CST
Susan, thank you for your help. Your clarification of Section, category, subcategory, pages was what I needed. BTW, I like your website, and the photos of the hunter jumpers are amazing!


I am simply trying to get a gallery link with subgalleries under them from the home page as I am under time pressure to preset 5 galleries. (I am actually behind schedule.) I have made some progress thanks to Susan, but cannot get photos added to my subcategories - please go to galleries menu at to see what i mean. Follow down to Nutcracker Show 1, 2, etc. subcategory level. I guess i am supposed to add a page here that will allow me to add photos, but again I am lost.
16,595 posts (admin)
Fri Dec 07, 18 12:04 PM CST
If you create a "Gallery" with "Sub-galleries", the sub galleries will automatically have preview photos from the photos within the sub galleries.

If you have created a category for the Nutcracker show, then Categories under it, to upload a preview photos for the categories, edit those (the edit link under the category name in the left menu of the Site Content area) and click the Preview Photo tab.

If your "Nutcracker show" is an event, it would be best to just make that a gallery and create sub galleries within it. You can automatically upload and create sub galleries 2 ways:

In the upload dialog, check the option "Upload folders to create sub galleries":

Or you can FTP upload the folder structure to create sub galleries

To manually create sub galleries within a gallery, click the Photos tab for the gallery and then select add sub galleries.

I don't see any galleries on your home page, go to Site Content -> Manage Home Page and click the Featured Content / Galleries option then you can select the section of galleries you want to display on the home page.

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Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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