Sytist Manual > Changelog


3.2.2 Nov 13, 2018
Another follow-up update to 3.2

  • Fixed when editing store products not having the options normally available for store products.

3.2.1 Nov 12, 2018
Follow-up update to 3.2.0

  • Fixed when selecting a different email in the People tab of a gallery refreshing to the people list instead of the email screen even though the email is actually loaded causing you to have to click the email tab again.

3.2.0 Nov 7, 2018 

Forum post on this update

  • Changed "Special 1 Day Events" in the booking calendar to "Special Events" where it can include multiple dates. (manual)
  • Added the option to have the Booking Calendar and other calendars when selecting dates start on a Monday. Option in Settings -> Admin/Main Settings.
  • Added the option for "No multiple bookings by the same person" which means someone can not make 2 or more bookings for a specific service with the same email address
  • Added the option "Override booked times from other services" which means if someone has booked a time of 2:00 for one special event for example, 2:00 can still be booked for this event.
  • Added date and expiration date for booking services so you can expire the ability to book the service and pre-date it to display in the future. 
  • Added a link (calendar icon) to view appointments for a specific service or event when in the Site Content  area when viewing a list of booking services or editing a booking service.
  • Rewrote the interface when managing bookings/appointments in the admin.
  • Added the option to print and exporting bookings with the options of what fields to print & export. (You can adjust the header names and display order in Calendar -> Print & Export Settings)
  • Added the option to batch confirm unconfirmed appointments  & manually sending email reminders when viewing a list of appointments for a specific service or event.
  • Added the booking total  & options to orders and order emails when someone makes a deposit on a booking service. 
  • Added the option to add Buy All products to any product group in a price list instead of them having to be in a product group marked for Buy Alls. 
  • Added the option to mark individual photos in a gallery to not be able to be purchased as a download or free download. Click the photo thumbnail in the admin and you will see the option. 
  • Added the option to disable image options on a per product basis. Option can be found when editing products in Photo Products -> Product Base. 
  • Added the option to upload an account photo (or select from an existing photo) for accounts in the admin. View the account in the People section and click the user icon next to the name. 
  • Added showing quantity discounts for products on pre-order pages. 
  • Added when viewing price lists in the admin how many accounts (if any) are assigned to that price list. 
  • Added when deleting a price list it will also removed the assigned price list to accounts using that price list.
  • Added photo product reference ID to products when copying options from one product to another. 
  • Added when duplicating a photo product it copies any labels assigned to the product.
  • Added the option to add additional descriptions for items on invoices. 
  • Added the option to mark an account as Tax Exempt. View the account in the People section and select Edit in the Actions menu. 
  • Reworked the list of pages/galleries in the Site Content area of the admin.
  • Added view/manage people and page designer links to the action menu in the list of pages/galleries in the Site Content area. 
  • Made some changes to the list of accounts in the People section for a cleaner layout.
  • Made some other changes within the admin to loading, success, error notices.  
  • Fixed thumbnails not loading when using special characters like & # in photo passcodes
  • Fixed when "Do not show what products are included in the collection." is checked in a collection it showing the X of XX photos selected in cart and on the order. 
  • Fixed negative option prices for booking calendar options not deducting from the total shown when selecting an option with a price less than 0.
  • Fixed when assigning free downloads for a customer to a gallery and the free downloads don't have download in zip files enabled still showing the option to download all in zip files.
  • Fixed options selected for collections on pre-orders duplicating on orders. 
  • Fixed purchasing all favorites with a buy all and early bird special is enabled not applying the early bird special 
  • Fixed when purchasing a collection from a price list with a minimum order amount set not enforcing the minimum purchase amount 
  • Fixed SQL error when clicking the People tab and someone used an ' in their email address. 
  • Fixed pre-ordered a la cart items not calculating in sales / stats 
  • Fixed with pre-orders if collection is added to cart with options and a la carte photo products are added, the options from the collections showing duplicated with the a la carte products
  • Fixed time format for booking confirmation emails when they are automatically confirmed with payment not using the format of the time setting in Settings -> Admin/Main Setting. 
  • Fixed when importing passwords for passcode photos adding the same file name as the group photo and extra fields when group & extra columns don't exist 
  • Changed in booking calendar if a time is booked that is less than the time blocks set, it will set the amount of time to the time block so the times available stay the same.

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