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Foolography Entagged Barcode And Restricting Search.

367 posts
Thu Aug 26, 21 6:55 AM CST
Hi Tim.

I have a query with the latest update that includes the foolography barcode system. It's a good system and I've been in contact with the developers for quite some time, but the then lack of Canon support (and now Canon mirrorless support) made it a non starter and I've moved on.

Above article states:

Entagged currently writes the Barcode Data into the Comment field on Nikon cameras, or the Copyright field on canon cameras.

Now with using the Passcode Photos feature (password protecting individual photos in a gallery) Sytist will look in the comment and copyright fields in addition to the title field for the password.


That might cause me quite a few problems. Is is possible to restrict to only the {Title} field to search on? If the above statement is true, then any database search that includes my business name or even copyright symbol would return all results because I use the copyright field for its intended purposes and all my currently online images do have my copyright information in that field.

Lightroom exports with basic information does include {Title} and {copyright} info. Not sure if you can export from LR with image metadata as {title} only, and don't fancy running them through ExifTool for every export from LR. But that's only for future uploads anyway.

This would probably prevent me from updating Sytist to the latest version.

Does filename search i.e. filename-passcode-counter.jpg only search on passcode and nothing else?

Thanks TIm.

Edited Thu Aug 26, 21 7:28 AM by Trailboy
389 posts
Thu Aug 26, 21 7:16 AM CST
Sounds interesting Trailboy - why are Canon reluctant? I am now using mirrorless and can see im "not on the list" but I am forever searching ways to make my life easier ?! ..
367 posts
Thu Aug 26, 21 7:34 AM CST
It's not Canon, it's foolography, who will admit that Canon cameras are not well documented with hardware integration and their cameras.

Not as much as Nikon anyway, which has long been the industry standard for this sort of thing.

And because Canon have changed the layout of the input sockets on mirrorless, the foolography requires a redesign to keep up. Don't know if they are bothering or not, I think they might have an adapter cable set though.

97 posts
Fri Aug 27, 21 12:38 AM CST
Thanks for this. I have not upgraded yet either. If I understand correctly, this means that where I have my copyright name (as my business name as it is intended for) in ALL of my loaded images, if I do the upgrade, if someone was to search this it would return a result of all images in that gallery? If true, although unlikely to happen it does present a privacy risk to me. I second the question - Is is possible to restrict to only the {Title} field to search on?

Thank you.
16,278 posts (admin)
Fri Aug 27, 21 5:12 AM CST
Trailboy, I've emailed you a file to upload where it won't search those fields for a temporary solution.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
97 posts
Sun Aug 29, 21 2:38 PM CST
Trailboy - how did that work for you?
Tim - can I please have the same upload file as a temporary solution if based on my explanation you think I will need it? ; I also use the passcode photos feature (in the title option with .csv upload) and have copyright information as well as metadata in both the title and comment field in most of my existing file uploads. (I use control my nikon barcode system). For some of my Colleges the passcode is a version of students ID number which is held in the comment field and their other information such as name and class is held in the title field as I use LR to export that metadata into the final filename depending on the final use. ie a low res and cropped version of each portrait is exported using just the comment field (in LR this converts to caption field) for ID card production where only the ID number is required as the filename.
Thank you.
16,278 posts (admin)
Mon Aug 30, 21 5:09 AM CST
Download this zip file:

Unzip it.

Upload the included photos_functions.php file into the sy-inc folder on your website overwriting the existing one either with your FTP program or the file manager in your hosting control panel.

This will not search the comment and copyright fields for passcode photos.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
367 posts
Wed Sep 01, 21 8:41 AM CST
Thanks for responding Tim so promptly. I think for this to work properly, we ideally will have to have a choice of only one of filenames, CSV, title, caption or copyright field. To combine the last three into one would prove very difficult for us to implement. Thanks for the temporary fix though.

Hi Brooke

To be honest Brooke, my current system is set to search for passcodes only in the filename between hyphens - filename-passcode-counter.png rather than {Title} searches.

This change was forced because this academic year I have photographed all pupils as head and shoulders on greenscreen due to the pandemic restricting our previous working methods. My previous greenscreen software strips all EXIF / IPTC - i.e. does not retain the foreground image .jpg metadata when converting to transparent background .png for Sytist upload, so the move to filenames passcode was essential. To be honest (for the second time!), the only difficulty has been that all previous years images (many, many years worth) are no longer searchable as they were based on {Title} passcodes, not filename passcode.

It was worth it to retain Tim's absolutely superb greenscreen gallery abilities - having a single folder of multiple backgrounds (think we offer 20 or so) rather than uploading every possible foreground/background permutation is excellent.

It's been a nice change for us actually and orders are certainly easier to trace through our back end office processes as all filenames include the passcode. I asked the question of Tim as we may return to {Title} passcodes soon as my latest greenscreen extraction software does retain foreground image EXIF in their transparent background .png, so the option is now available again to us and previous years images will again be purchasable. Still in two minds though.

All of this could be solved by having different passcode systems per gallery - normal galleries use {Title} and greenscreen galleries use filename passcodes, but can understand why it probably has to be a global setting as Tim has outlined before.

Thanks Brooke, hope business is going well for you down under.

Edited Wed Sep 01, 21 9:25 AM by Trailboy
97 posts
Wed Sep 01, 21 7:00 PM CST
Hi Tim and Trailboy

Tim - thank you for the file!

Trailboy - thank you for your insight into your operation! It's always good to hear how others are keeping up with business solutions. The greenscreen sounds like it is working well in today's world. We have been very lucky down under and mostly have been able to continue with traditional group photographs. Last year the timing of our lockdown did force a change to offering composite groups which were well received. I agree that using the passcode as part of the filename is certainly helpful - I do the same. I export title & caption metadata into the filename using LR. I too would like to see different passcode systems per gallery - this would resolve some sub gallery issues that I have that I have raised in the past. I have some Colleges that have two or more groups associated to their portrait, (eg class and tutor group and year group), however cannot at this stage code more than one group to each passcode under 'class' tab.

Thanks again.

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