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New Contract Option For Booking

28 posts
Fri Aug 11, 17 1:36 PM CST
Hi Tim, I want to clarify a few things in regards to the new digital contract option that was recently made available.

Alright, first off, I have created a contract in regards to booking a photography session and have formulated it in such a way that it applies to ALL booked sessions, either in the studio or outdoor events. Having said that, I'm not exactly sure how I can apply this contract before a customer follows the booking process and completes their booking/deposit payment.

I think it's best to outline the flow, and hopefully I can get some advice on how I can best incorporate the contract option.

1. Customer goes to and decides on the package.
2. Customer clicks on the "Book Now" button to open a popover.
3. Customer selects the time/date and follows the next step in order to select any additional services.
4. Once the customer is happy with their session configuration, they can follow the "Continue" button.
5. If the customer is logged in, they will be taken to the deposit payment stage, if not, they are queued to create an account first.
6. Once the customer pays for the deposit either via paypal, credit card or etransfer, then their session booking date/time is manually confirmed.
7. All done from their side. They will receive a digital prep survey as well as a "getting ready" email for their session down the road.

OK, so now, what I would like to do is to figure out a way to allow the customer to read the contract before they make their deposit, as I feel making it prior to signing the contract can have a negative impact on the overall practicality of the booking process. Is there a way I can incorporate the contract during the booking process within the popover? or is this step only possible AFTER the booking has been completed?

Any feedback/advice is greatly appreciated. I would really love to start using this contract option!
50 posts
Fri Aug 11, 17 7:30 PM CST
I personally just send out a contract after they have booked, saying it needs to be signed before their session commences.
Another option could be is to create a terms and conditions of photography option in the booking options section, and then have them check a "I agree to the terms and conditions" box.

Just my thoughts.
28 posts
Fri Aug 11, 17 9:04 PM CST
Thanks for the advice Stephen. I will look into adding a possible Terms and Conditions checkbox during the booking process. However, based on my experience, if a TOS is not agreed to, nor read, and someone doesn't check off the box, there would be an error message that shows up, essentially stopping the client from going further. Either way, much to think about.

Edit: I just realized there is a designated TOS area in the admin/settings/. Looking into that now!
Edited Fri Aug 11, 17 9:07 PM by Iwona
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Category: Contracts
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