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Price List Issue

12 posts
Mon Feb 03, 25 2:07 PM CST

I'm running into an issue where I have created a client specific price list that has per photo and gallery options. I've created the gallery and sub-galleries and configured the default price list setting to use the custom price list. As of yesterday, people were able to see the per photo option and full gallery option, now I just received a message from a customer that they'd like to purchase individual photos and don't see the option. Upon investigating, I've confirmed that the per photo purchase option is not displaying. I've attempted to resolve by manually setting the price list at the gallery/sub-galleryies levels and still are unable to see the per photo option. 

Below is a link to a specific example where I manually specified the price list all the way down to the routine gallery. I also took screenshots starting with the price list and working my way down the hierarchy (i.e. Synery PACSouth Fort Worth 2025 TourStudioRoutine). 

12 posts
Mon Feb 03, 25 5:02 PM CST

Please disregard my post. I figured out the issue. For those who might ever run into this. We had specified the download image size in the product base that somehow was higher than the original image size. I was able to get the per photo pricing to show again in the galleries once I updated the download image size to be "< or =) to the original image size.



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Category: Photos
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