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Buy Alls-tiered Pricing For Gallery Qty

12 posts
Thu Jan 30, 25 6:31 PM CST

Good evening...It's me again. ;-)

I've read through the manual and even looked for previous posts to see if my question has been asked/discussed. 


1. Is there a way to provide tiered pricing when a client/customer adds multiple Buy All (BA) galleries to their cart. Example, let's say we have 5 galleries with BA options enabled and at regular rate of $100 per BA gallery. Then have a client that wants to purchase 4 of the BA galleries. Could we drop the price per BA gallery to $75 per after when the 4th gallery is added?  

Thank you as always!



16,897 posts (admin)
Fri Jan 31, 25 4:54 AM CST

Sorry, there is not a way to do that.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Fri Jan 31, 25 4:59 AM CST

Thank you @Tim - for the quick reply! Hope you have a great day.



12 posts
Fri Jan 31, 25 4:47 PM CST

Quick update. I was able to figure out a way to get buy all gallery tiered pricing working and thought I'd share what I did just in case anyone else has the same need.

Step 1. enabled "do not discount" option for all products with the exception of Buy All. We have quantity discounts enabled for regular per photo pricing.

Step 2. Configured a Gallery coupon with fixed percentages based on total cart amount and specified the cart total thresholds were wanting to implement. 

Step 3. I ran tests to verify the total check out amounts matched the expected total based on BA qtys within the different tiers. I also confirmed the per photo discount still applied based on the qtys specified in the price list and confirmed they weren't further discounted based on the coupon.

Hopefully this makes sense. It did in my head. ;-) Hope it helps.



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