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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Twilio Does Not Like The
Greetings fellow Sytist users,
I am trying to set up my Twilio account and it asks for a link to the page where customers signify they would want further communication about products and such from on the "create account" page.
Specifically it states (and I have not changed nor see where to change it from the original.)
May we continue to send you text messages in regards to your images and future show promotions to this number?
I give consent to contact me regarding the galleries or photos I access with information on expiration, promotions & notices.
Both have a separate Yes/No option.
Twilio does not like that. Specific reason given is
Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in not sufficient: express consent required
If anybody has something different that passed muster, please let me know. I have read all material on this provided by Twilio and cannot determine what does not meet their criteria.
No clue as to what they are looking for nor how to change what is there now.
Thank you.
I just sent them to my account creation page, and sent them a screen shot of the request circled. That satisfied them a few years ago.
I did not do the screen shot the first time, they did ask for the link and I put the New Account page link. They did not like that for some reason and they do not specify with enough details to actually help you know what to change.
So I did the screen grab and circled with fairly thick yellow borders, so they know what to look at.
We will see how they respond.

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