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Batch Create Galleries

12 posts
Mon Jan 27, 25 8:36 AM CST

Recently came across the Sytist solution and I really enjoy the capabilities. I do have a question, we do large events that require us to create individual galleries per dance routine (anywhere from 250 to 500+). Is there a way to batch create galleries based off a csv file or ftp upload the folders?

53 posts
Mon Jan 27, 25 10:28 AM CST

No idea on a Mac, but in PC, make all your competitor folders under the name of your event in File Explorer.

Put your images into those folders.

Make your event in Sytist, ensure you set to "publish", set your price list, and set your expiration date, if desired.

Click on Upload Photos, Select Photos, navigate to the event's name so you see the folders created for the competitors.

The folders will be created and the images will be be uploaded in the folders exactly like in File Explorer.

No need to create each individually.

I do events with over a thousand competitors every weekend. But not dance though.

16,897 posts (admin)
Mon Jan 27, 25 11:16 AM CST

You can batch create sub galleries within a gallery by uploading folders in the structure you want for the sub galleries. Event -> Sub Galleries -> Sub Gallerie.s

There is no option to batch create main galleries.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Mon Jan 27, 25 3:39 PM CST

Thank you @Lori Chaudoir and @Tim - for the information! Quick follow-up question. Can you upload the folders (main-gallery->sub-gallery) and their respective pictures via ftp/sftp and specify the pagelayout, prices sheet, and disable social share parameters?

Thanks again for your time and response!!!



16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 28, 25 5:03 AM CST

You can upload folders via FTP to automatically create sub galleries with the same folder structure. 

There is no option to assign different price lists to sub galleries or any other similar data during upload. That would have to be changed after upload.

All the sub galleries will have the default price list of the main gallery. 

Edited Tue Jan 28, 25 6:26 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Tue Jan 28, 25 12:17 PM CST

Thank you @Tim - That make perfect sense. 

Hope you have a great rest of your day!



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