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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Sytist 5.1 Upgrade Now Available

16,897 posts (admin)
Wed Sep 25, 24 10:21 AM CST

View detailed information about this update in the changelog here.

Some of the things in the upgrade include:

  • Added the option for pre-orders: "Customers will return later to select photos for ONLY PRE-ORDERED DOWNLOADS to download those photos.". This way they can get their downloads even if they are not selecting photos for prints. It is in the Settings section of your Price Lists. 
  • Added Pre-Order Account Credits
  • Added "Show only orders with downloads" in the sort section when viewing orders from a gallery to only show the orders with downloads. 

  • Added Pre-Register text & success text on a per gallery basis. 
  • Added if a gallery set to QR Passcodes & Pre-Register, you can have visitors pre-register and supply information like subject name, and additional fields that tie in with the QR Passcodes system and automatically generates passcodes. 
  • Learn more about the Pre-Register update
  • Updated downloading photos in zip files that if the total size of the zip file goes beyond 3GB, it will automatically create multiple zip files. 4GB is the max that can be generate, so this resolves the issue with it being too large. The size it starts to generate multiple zip files can be set in Settings -> Photo Settings. 

And more. Please see the complete changelog here.

How to update:
The first time each day you log into the admin it will check for the update and if one is available you will have a notice in blue on your Sytist admin homepage

If you have already logged into your admin today, then you won't get the notice until tomorrow. Or you can click Settings in the main menu then UNDERNEATH the left menu click check for update.

Edited Wed Sep 25, 24 10:21 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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142 posts
Thu Sep 26, 24 5:51 AM CST

Hi Tim

After this 5.1.0 update, when adding via ftp some keyworded photo's, there are still no keywords processed. In stock sections, the text part that shows the keywords disappears completely. 

16,897 posts (admin)
Thu Sep 26, 24 6:31 AM CST

Download this zip file.

Unzip it and upload the included 2 files into your sy-admin folder on your website overwriting the existing ones either with your FTP program or the file manager in your hosting control panel. This will fix it.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Mon Sep 30, 24 9:37 PM CST

We completed the update last week, and now our customers are reporting an error when trying to process credit card transactions. This error was not received prior to the update, and is likely connected to the Square API connection. Any thoughts

Attached Photos

142 posts
Tue Oct 01, 24 2:56 AM CST
Tim - wrote:

Download this zip file.

Unzip it and upload the included 2 files into your sy-admin folder on your website overwriting the existing ones either with your FTP program or the file manager in your hosting control panel. This will fix it.

Hi Tim

It seemed to work, but after uploading 104 photos with ftp processing to a stock section, it seems to have other bugs now. keywords from one or some photos are added to other photo's in that upload session

16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 01, 24 5:15 AM CST
Steven Thiele wrote:

We completed the update last week, and now our customers are reporting an error when trying to process credit card transactions. This error was not received prior to the update, and is likely connected to the Square API connection. Any thoughts

This is for paying invoices.  Fixed in the 5.1.1 update released this morning. 

Edited Tue Oct 01, 24 5:16 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
16,897 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 01, 24 5:16 AM CST
Marcel Otterspeer wrote:

Hi Tim

It seemed to work, but after uploading 104 photos with ftp processing to a stock section, it seems to have other bugs now. keywords from one or some photos are added to other photo's in that upload session

Fixed in the 5.1.1 update released this morning. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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16,897 posts (admin)
Sat Oct 12, 24 5:04 AM CST

When you did the last update, you didn't do the last step, editing the theme and save, so the CSS file wasn't rebuilt as needed. I have done that and it is working now.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
7 posts
Fri Oct 25, 24 2:53 AM CST
Hi Tim -  I updated a couple of days ago, and also had to update PHP (one or two photo jobs a year makes me slack at updating).  Now I just realised I'm not able to see any of my previously created gallery pages in the site content editor.  The galleries are still there, can view as a customer, and people have managed to still order.  And I can see the orders including with image preview that have been made before and since the update.  But I can't add any new photos (I somehow missed uploading one kid's images) or edit any settings.   

Web host said some PHP things had disabled themselves with the PHP update - "I've enabled the nd_mysqli and mysqlnd extensions, which are necessary dependencies for PHP 8.2. These extensions seem to have a mind of their own and disabled when you switched versions."    

Presumably something's not playing nice between my website setup/PHP and Sytist - any advice on what could be missing? 

16,897 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 25, 24 4:21 AM CST

It appears your issue is due to the GD library not being installed or needs updating. This runs on the server to process images.

You need to contact your host an have the "GD Library" installed. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
7 posts
Fri Oct 25, 24 5:17 AM CST

Thanks Tim, I can now see and edit the gallery settings and see the photos I've uploaded.  I still can't upload new images - getting "Failed: 500" message when trying to upload to Amazon S3.  Uploads ok if saving on my server.  Is there another php extension needed for the Amazon S3 transfer that my update has disabled maybe?  20/20 hindsight that I should have looked at what extensions I had before updating.  

16,897 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 25, 24 10:15 AM CST

php-mbstring may not be installed. 

Also make sure allow_url_fopen is enabled. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
7 posts
Fri Oct 25, 24 5:18 PM CST
php-mbstring  was indeed not installed.  All working now!  Hoping that's the last of my php issues.  Thanks heaps Tim
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