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Tax Not Charged On Some Transactions

11 posts
Mon Jun 10, 24 9:35 AM CST

Hi Tim,

On some transactions, the tax is not charged. When I see the customer's address, on the state field it is marked like this : ------------ 

All the products in my price list are checked as taxable so this is not the problem.

It happens with print orders and digital only orders.

Can you help me out?



16,706 posts (admin)
Mon Jun 10, 24 10:58 AM CST

Tax is calculated on the customer's state selected at checkout. If there is no state, then there is nothing to calculate tax on.

Probably in Settings -> Account Requirements under Placing An Order, Required isn't checked for State. If these are download only orders, " Download Only Orders" may not be checked for State. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Tue Jun 11, 24 8:56 AM CST

All the settings are checked for state as you can see in my screen grab of my settings.

I did try an order on my side and the settings work, I can't go on with the order if no state is selected. 

Any Idea what can cause this? 

Attached Photos

16,706 posts (admin)
Tue Jun 11, 24 10:21 AM CST

Maybe they have selected a country that has no states available for it?

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Tue Jun 11, 24 10:33 AM CST

I just checked and in the billing address the country does not show up, this must be why the state is not selected as well. 

I just checked on my site, when I add a digital picture to the cart and then checkout, the country by default is selected as Canada, which is the only country enabled in my settings.

I doubled check on the mobile version and web version and Canada is the default country selected. Don't know why or how they can un-select it when they fill out the billing address.

16,706 posts (admin)
Tue Jun 11, 24 11:12 AM CST

Go to Settings -> Countries & States. Next to Canada, check the default option too and save and that should take care of it.  (Enable and Default both need to be checked for Canada). There is probably a different country set to default which is causing the issue. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Tue Jun 11, 24 11:37 AM CST

It was already set to Canada, enable and default, no other country.

I disabled all countries and re-enabled Canada.

Since this is not a problem I can check myself if it's solved or not, we will have to wait and see if another order is processed without tax.


11 posts
Mon Jul 08, 24 10:01 AM CST

Hi Tim

I am still getting the same problem with taxes. My settings are all correct, in fact, I have been using the same settings for years without changing them so this is clearly not the problem.

Any idea? 


16,706 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 08, 24 11:48 AM CST

You can email me the following for me to look into it: 

1) The link / URL to your Sytist admin (where you log into your Sytist admin).

2) The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).

3) The last 3 order numbers that didn't charge tax.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
120 posts
Wed Jul 24, 24 1:37 PM CST

I'm in Canada too and find that the tax breakdown doesn't show up in the left side of invoice screen after client pays -- though the order total IS calculated correctly and the items were checked as taxable when the invoice was created.    In the Edit Invoice screen I manually enter the GST aka VAT (plus PST aka tax if applicable) and then adjust the taxable amount and subtotal.  e.g. if Canadian client pays $36.75 USD, I make the taxable amount and subtotal fields show $35.00 and then put $1.75 in VAT(gst) field.  Save the changes and go back to view the invoice, this breakdown will display on the left side.  Kind of a pain but it works.


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Category: Orders
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