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Sports/memory Mate Online Purchase From Paper Order Form Picture Day?

30 posts
Wed May 29, 24 4:45 PM CST

I recently set up online purchase through Square on my website.  Looking for help with a way to have customers be able to pay for a package, etc.  online, from a prepay non-proof paper form based photo shoot, basically our memory mate envelope. (I'm not going to create a gallery, etc for the 5% of kids/parents that don't have the form/money ready on photo day, but want to purchase a package.  Right now we say "Stop by the store and pay, send a check, or call with a credit card.")  What would be the best way for me to set this up for online purchase?  

This would be the first step in my offering online ordering for the masses, which will be gallery based...



Edited Wed May 29, 24 4:48 PM by R. Schultz
251 posts
Thu May 30, 24 1:36 AM CST

If I understood well it is something I normally do for prepaid or better presale order dance competitions
I use Stripe, there I create for instance three packages, Solo, Duo and Groups and I get the link and the QR codes.
Then in Stylist with the Page designer I create a three column page where I Put the package description, the link and the QR code image.This one is not really of use if someone order through the site because it uses the link of the chosen package.
But if you bring a monitor or a Print A4 Size of the page (I do it in PS) you can advise of the presale on site, asking the customer to pay with their mobile scanning the QR code.
This of course if you do not want to create a gallery, and you want to use the same system on site, otherwise you can simply use the pre-order optino creating a dedicate page to the event you are going to shoot. I also used the 
Hope it helps.

Edited Thu May 30, 24 1:40 AM by Marco Cappalunga
16,897 posts (admin)
Thu May 30, 24 3:53 AM CST

Look at the Pre-order feature.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
30 posts
Thu May 30, 24 10:17 AM CST

Thank you Marco, Tim.  Looking into this...leaning toward the pre-order without images.  If I set it up without images will it just go to Checkout/Pay (probably preferred) right away? I would use the page that I set up, all summer for summer leagues.  They already have their paper forms and are expecting to use them, and again this will be for those that don't have an envelope/form ready on picture day.  Besides the package/product from the price list I would also need to know the League/Team and the Parent/Child info.  Parent would come from Account creation/Sign in, but child?  Would it be possible to have a single QR code for the webpage that we could print out on a sheet with simple instructions to hand out to those without the form/payment?

Sorry about the length...Thanks for your help.


30 posts
Thu May 30, 24 11:38 AM CST

After looking closer at the Pre-Orders section of the Sytist Demo site, and all of the documentation in the manual, etc.  (Great Job Tim!!!)  I think I can make it work for my specific purpose.  Still unclear about the single QR code on hand out to link to page...

I'll try to set something up.  Hopefully won't break anything!

16,897 posts (admin)
Thu May 30, 24 12:34 PM CST

View the page in the admin and click the Share tab, then you can download a QR code that links to the gallery.

Attached Photos

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
30 posts
Thu May 30, 24 12:37 PM CST

So cool!  Thank you.


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