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Admin Page Hangs

55 posts
Wed May 01, 24 5:58 PM CST

I had an expired SSL cert which seemed to cause some browsers to not load any of the page, but a self-signed cert has been updated.

Site works as a customer, home page, log in ok, browse galleries, mark favorites etc.  Visiting <domain>/sy-admin immediately redirects to <domain>sy-admin/index.php?do=login and then hangs forever.

I re-loaded 4.8.5 update content to the site, no change.

Next steps?


55 posts
Thu May 02, 24 12:06 AM CST

I can log in to the admin section on my Android browser, in fact, just processed a gallery I had FTPed the images and built and processed the page on my cell phone...  But cannot open the page on a windows pc with Chrome or with Edge. Hosting on GoDaddy. Admin login page just pinwheels. Thoughts?

No other website issues apparent. And as I said, I can visit the site as a user, log in, no issues. It's just the sy-admin.


55 posts
Thu May 02, 24 1:59 AM CST

Strictly speaking, it seems that the admin will open in Chrome and Edge, and I can navigate a bit, but after something like 5 minutes or more of delay. The DevTools view in Edge calls out numerous errors and warnings in the tags within the page.

Regarding your frequent issues page... my host is less than 50% utilized in storage space and number of files isn't an issue.

16,700 posts (admin)
Thu May 02, 24 8:40 AM CST

Have you tried restarting your browser and clearing your cache?

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
78 posts
Sun Jun 16, 24 6:43 PM CST

I am having the same issue.  Just started today.  Worked just fine yesterday.  I will try to log in w my andriod phone.

16,700 posts (admin)
Mon Jun 17, 24 4:22 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
78 posts
Mon Jun 17, 24 4:57 AM CST

Thanks ever so!  I was able to delete the error log to get in.  Will do a real clean up before adding more files.  As I tell all, best software for selling photos online as well as customer service!

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