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Upload Problem - Hanging Files, Failing To Upload Or Duplicating

9 posts
Wed Mar 27, 24 6:28 PM CST

My hosting says there isnt a problem with my site, that is doesn't Hang, fail to upload or duplicate files. This video shows there is a problem. Hosting says it is Sytist developer problem and Sytist saying it is a Hosting Problem. I started having problems on 25th Feb when 4.8 came out. 

If you look at the files uploading is stops and i have to pause to make it upload again. If you look at the ***/602 they dont match the file numbers being uploaded. If you look at the other window It shows there are more photos that have uploaded then photos uploaded meaning there is a duplicate of photos. 

I have tried 3 different browsers, 3 different computers and 3 different internet connections. 

My main connection is 900mb up and down, Second was 70mb down and 20mb up and the third was mobile connection with 10mb down and 5mb up. 

The files i am uploading range between 850kb and 2 mb. 

Is anyone else having problems? Im at the point of leaving sytist and my hosting as i have spent over 2 days trying to get this sorted and i cant. I have 6 equestrain shows over the next 2 weeks and im worried about uploading. 

9 posts
Wed Mar 27, 24 6:30 PM CST

Duplicate filenames on the screenshot

Attached Photos

463 posts
Wed Mar 27, 24 10:32 PM CST

I reported this problem last month, seems to be a issue with the HTML uploader, If I FTP there is not a problem. I have never had this problem, but it started happening a few months ago, before I even upgraded to the latest version. Try FTP

Edited Wed Mar 27, 24 10:35 PM by Vance Birno
9 posts
Thu Mar 28, 24 2:46 AM CST
Vance Birno wrote:

I reported this problem last month, seems to be a issue with the HTML uploader, If I FTP there is not a problem. I have never had this problem, but it started happening a few months ago, before I even upgraded to the latest version. Try FTP

Thank you. 

I just uploaded 600 photos as a test using FTP and didnt hang once. 

Its something then that needs to be looked into.

When i upload images for webpages it also hangs so its must be a bug in the script. 

388 posts
Thu Mar 28, 24 3:30 AM CST

I can easily see that the server may be triggering mod-security for this amount of uploading (600Mb+) and processing (each upload is processed into five different images and possibly watermarked) in such a short space of time.   Tim has said before about server problems using html before, especially if it's only happening on a very large upload session and not if using fewer and smaller images.   Perhaps there have been changes to the image processing after upload due to the new QR code reading abilities.  

The answer is as above, use ftp (which is designed to move this amount of data) and the the server only has to process the folder rather than the html uploading and processing.  If you aren't offering immediate downloads after purchase, then there is no need to upload such large images and can even watermark locally before upload.

In my estimation, if a small job works fine and a large job doesn't, then the finger points to the server load.  

Edited Thu Mar 28, 24 3:33 AM by Trailboy
16,477 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 28, 24 3:33 AM CST

You should also mentioned this started after you moved to a new host and wasn't happening prior.

It hangs because the server is not responding to the request.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Thu Mar 28, 24 5:19 AM CST

I moved to a new host on 14th January and my hosting have said I first reported the issue on 25th February. If the update I had a couple of hanging files but not as bad as now. 

The hosting have said it’s not giving any errors on the log when uploading. 

463 posts
Thu Mar 28, 24 6:40 AM CST
William Evenden wrote:

I moved to a new host on 14th January and my hosting have said I first reported the issue on 25th February. If the update I had a couple of hanging files but not as bad as now. 

The hosting have said it’s not giving any errors on the log when uploading. 

I have been on the same server for many years, My host even totally maxed out all settings, way past the recommended settings and I still have the same problem. I do host another couple of wordpress sites and those do not have any issues. Like I said try the FTP way for now. WinSCP or Filezilla works great. And yes it happened on any file size, small or large.

Edited Thu Mar 28, 24 6:41 AM by Vance Birno
16,477 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 28, 24 9:31 AM CST

Here is an error from your error log related to this: 

[27-Mar-2024 22:58:45 Europe/London] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Value Error: Path cannot be empty in /home/abc123/public_html/sy-admin/upload/sytist-upload-process.php:221

Line 221
$size_original = @GetImageSize($targetfilepath,$info);

$targetfilepath is the path to the file attempting to be uploaded and that error says it is empty ... not there.

$targetfilepath= $tempFile;

$tempFile is the photo file it is trying to upload. 

So the error says "Hey, there is no file, so lets throw a fatal error and stop the process".

Why is there no file? Something between your computer and the server caused it to fail to upload.

That file is uploaded like every file before it. Sytist goes through the process the same for each file.

The intermittent issue is between your browser and the server. What and why? I have no idea, but it is not Sytist causing that file to not get uploaded.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
463 posts
Thu Mar 28, 24 1:24 PM CST
Trailboy wrote:

I can easily see that the server may be triggering mod-security for this amount of uploading (600Mb+) and processing (each upload is processed into five different images and possibly watermarked) in such a short space of time.   Tim has said before about server problems using html before, especially if it's only happening on a very large upload session and not if using fewer and smaller images.   Perhaps there have been changes to the image processing after upload due to the new QR code reading abilities.  

The answer is as above, use ftp (which is designed to move this amount of data) and the the server only has to process the folder rather than the html uploading and processing.  If you aren't offering immediate downloads after purchase, then there is no need to upload such large images and can even watermark locally before upload.

In my estimation, if a small job works fine and a large job doesn't, then the finger points to the server load.  

No it was happening prior to QR abilities too, it did not matter if I was uploading 10 images or 300 images. It did not matter what size either. If I use FTP NO ISSUES. I offer various sizes for downloads per image. Sytist still process those even if FTP is used. FTP is more cumbersome when only uploading a small batch or replacing images. FTP is not always the best and quickest.  Also did it using a different browser.

Edited Thu Mar 28, 24 1:35 PM by Vance Birno
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