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Migrated To A New Hosting Platform

11 posts
Wed Mar 06, 24 4:53 PM CST

Hey Tim,

I migrated over to a new hosting platform and I feel like I am just missing one or two (or twenty things) from getting my site back up and going.  After 5 days I am frustrated and feeling done.  Could you help me? (or anyone for that matter)  The tech people at Ionos said I needed and Index file but it has got to be more than that.  I've looked at the installation and the migration help files but it's over my head or I am just too frickin' tired of dealing with this. 


Edited Wed Mar 06, 24 5:02 PM by Cindy La Barge
24 posts
Wed Mar 06, 24 5:27 PM CST

Do you still have acess to the old hosting server?

11 posts
Wed Mar 06, 24 5:31 PM CST

Yes I do. 

24 posts
Wed Mar 06, 24 6:08 PM CST

You can drop me an email and we can try to help migrate.  What time zone are you in? Will help work out when I can help you.

We transferred from Godaddy and then onto new vps servers without any issues.

Edited Wed Mar 06, 24 6:09 PM by Jordan Robertson
16,477 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 07, 24 3:52 AM CST
Ionos is not a good host. 

Here are instructions on moving Sytist.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Thu Mar 07, 24 11:51 AM CST

Little late now for that.  Plus Ionos was not on the 'would not recommend list'.  Anything would be better that what I had before which clients were not getting any email from me for regardless if I was using my own email or gmail for the past three years.  But I digress.

I followed instructions.  Migrated all info over.  Updated the sy.config.php file and installed it.

Error 404-Your browser can't find the document corresponding to the URL you typed in.

Any thoughts?

16,477 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 07, 24 11:55 AM CST

404 means the files are not in the correct location. 

You can email me the following to look into it.

1) Your hosting control panel link, username and password.

2) Your domain name

3) If Sytist should be in the root or a sub folder.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Installation
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