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Orders Not Coming Through

140 posts
Wed Feb 28, 24 8:41 AM CST

Hello Tim,

Since I had problems with the php, I have not been getting my orders sent through.

I know you have updated 2 times since then and I have applied them. 

My customers make the order and it goes through and charges them. But on my end the order stays in their cart. lets us know we have a payment and we have to contact the customer to find out what they ordered. Then we run the order through with no payment from logging into their account on our end. That works and then we edit payment and send them an email.

Any help would be appreciated!

16,476 posts (admin)
Wed Feb 28, 24 10:07 AM CST AIM or SIM option? If SIM option you need to switch to the AIM option where they stay on your site. The SIM option has been removed from Sytist unless it was still active.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
140 posts
Wed Feb 28, 24 10:39 AM CST

Over my head,

can't figure this one out

16,476 posts (admin)
Wed Feb 28, 24 10:40 AM CST

Sytist admin, Settings -> Checkout & Payment. It will show which one.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
140 posts
Wed Feb 28, 24 1:00 PM CST

how do I switch to aim?


140 posts
Wed Feb 28, 24 1:24 PM CST

Found it on your site when selecting payment source. Either SIM OR AIM.

16,476 posts (admin)
Thu Feb 29, 24 4:22 AM CST

If you are currently using SIM, copy your credentials to the AIM option and enable  AIM and disable SIM.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
140 posts
Thu Feb 29, 24 8:31 AM CST

Hello Tim,

Thank you for your help, think I am up again.

And thank you for the QR addition. Been playing with it. Can't wait to use it.

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