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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Creating A Blog On An Item In A Store Sub-category?
Hi Guys..
I'd like to set up a STORE sub-category. (that I can do) Is it possible to make this sub category HIDDEN and password protected?
Then I'd like to post some items into the sub-category (I can do that), but... I'd like people to be able to go into the item, then COMMENT on the item but NOT buy it.
Basically, I want to put an item in the gallery as an AUCTION ITEM, and have people be able to "Comment" on it so other people can see the comments. This is essentially a way for people to "BID" on an item and see people's previous Bids.
I appreciate any help.
Thanks Team,
Sorry, can't think of a way to do that.
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