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How To Create A Catagory/gallery That Is Just A Series Of Thumbnails Only

34 posts
Sat Feb 10, 24 6:32 AM CST

Hi, I was trying to create a gallery in a new section that was just thumbnails, with no click through functions, share functions, right click functions, price lists, enlargements or anything.   It is just to show clients the different backgrounds that I have.   I did learn a lot trying to get there, but no joy. 

I created the galleries in the end on my wordpress pages,  but I would like to replicate that on Sytist .   

What functions should I be looking at to switch off, or section preferences I should be using,  see screenshot

Attached Photos

Proinsias (Fran) Tully
16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 12, 24 5:00 AM CST

You can create the page as a top level page (Site Content -> Add New Page -> Top Level Page.

You can turn off share and such in the Photo Display Settings section while in the Photos tabs.

But there is no option to stop them from clicking the thumbnail to enlarge.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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