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Cannot Log Into Website

9 posts
Fri Feb 09, 24 9:21 AM CST

I'm unable to log into the admin section of my website. 

Using verison 4.7.3, I hadn't logged in in a few months, and trying to log in now just reloads the login screen. The username/password are correct because it tells me if those are not correct with the red warning box, but I cannot log in.

I tried changing PHP down to 7.4, and up to 8.1, but that didn't change anything, so I've left it on version 8.0 for now (The last version that was working).

16,477 posts (admin)
Fri Feb 09, 24 10:03 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Fri Feb 09, 24 11:44 AM CST

Thanks for the quick response!

I don't believe I'm out of space on my hosting account, I did remove a 20MB error log file that was unrelated to Sytist Photos, and just removed an old 300MB WordPress installation, though I was able to Zip up the WP install before downloading it, so i

These two lines are not in my sy-config.php file, so I can't try removing them.
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 1800);
ini_set('session.save_path', $setup['path']."/sy-phpsessions");

I also do not see an inode limit on my account, so I don't believe I've hit that limit. We haven't set a limit on either storage space or inodes on our server.

16,477 posts (admin)
Fri Feb 09, 24 12:56 PM CST

Then the PHP session save path is incorrect and the sessions folders doesn't exist so it can't create a session to log you in. Your host will need to fix that. Check your error logs.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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