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Site Index Page To Be Replaced By Stylist Home Page

91 posts
Fri Feb 09, 24 6:00 AM CST

I've searched the forum but I cant find a thread that relates to this.

My site currently uses sytist for its gallery hosting / e commerce so when you look at the full address of the site it ends and you see my index page - this is now very very out of date so I would like to have the URL resolved to

Can someone point me in the right direction

many thanks

16,477 posts (admin)
Fri Feb 09, 24 11:29 AM CST

Just type in /sytist/

Sytist isn't forcing the /index.php . It is however you type it.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
91 posts
Fri Feb 09, 24 4:42 PM CST

what I’m looking to achieve is that when a customer types in my web address the Sytist page loads not the default index pag

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 12, 24 4:58 AM CST

I misunderstood. You are wanting to make Sytist the main website? Moving to the root?

See this page under Moving a Sytist Installation from a sub folder into the root.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
91 posts
Wed Feb 14, 24 4:54 AM CST

Hi Tim,
I thought I had followed the instructions but I an still seeing the old index page when I load the site either by view site in the admin pages or by navigating directly.

I have attached the screen shots of the folder structure, the sy-config before the edit and then after

Attached Photos

16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Feb 14, 24 6:10 AM CST

You have to select all the files and folders inside your sytist folder up a level into the parent folder by selecting them all and dragging them into the parent folder. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
91 posts
Wed Feb 14, 24 6:33 AM CST

so in my setup the sytist folder (and everything in it) moves as per the attached.

I then edit the sy-config file in its now location

Is that right ?

Attached Photos

16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Feb 14, 24 6:37 AM CST

Select and drag the CONTENTS of the sytist folder INTO the public_html folder.

You don't need to make any other changes to the sy-config file.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
91 posts
Wed Feb 14, 24 7:55 AM CST

Cheers Tim,
All now resolving the way I want - Many thanks & very much appreciated

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Category: Installation
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