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Need Someone To Build A Local Server Using Systist For Live Event

49 posts
Tue Feb 06, 24 11:43 AM CST


We do mostly T&I and Systist is great for this need by posting pictrures for Print and digital downlaod. Now I want to use Sytist locally during event to do in person sales by having on site Viewing station on a LAN. I know somes of you did it, but I can figure out hoe to do it.

I know it will have to replicate all things as my hosting (with slight changes) and I have a Synology NAs who have all in it to do it. But I can just figure out how to do it, I don't have enough programating knoeledge to do it.

I'm welling ro give a mandate to someone who have already dont this sucessfull. The main reason of my inquiery is In a lot of location we don't have Internet access and a lot of my customer requiered that for major events (sports meeting with more that 2000 - 3000 athletes)

Thanks in advance for your reply and I really cross my finger to have some one raisng his hand on this.


Edited Tue Feb 06, 24 11:44 AM by Daniel Beaudoin
247 posts
Tue Feb 06, 24 12:02 PM CST

It is not that easy, expecially doing it in remote.
You should download an Apache Server via XAMPP or LAMPP first.
Once you have it installed then in the HTTDocs folder you should put a clone copy of the sytist you have online, and copy the database via PHPMyadmin.
Then you should change the sy-config.php file with the new local server, generally "localhost" and the folder name where sytist is going to be located.
I tried it years ago and it wasn't easy because some 404 error came up.
I suggest you to buy ( as I did) a 4/5G modem/router and upload the photos directly to sytist, without making them sellable, so people can choose the photos online and then they have to come to your physical space to get them printed.

Edited Tue Feb 06, 24 12:02 PM by Marco Cappalunga
49 posts
Tue Feb 06, 24 12:14 PM CST
Marco Cappalunga wrote:

It is not that easy, expecially doing it in remote.
You should download an Apache Server via XAMPP or LAMPP first.
Once you have it installed then in the HTTDocs folder you should put a clone copy of the sytist you have online, and copy the database via PHPMyadmin.
Then you should change the sy-config.php file with the new local server, generally "localhost" and the folder name where sytist is going to be located.
I tried it years ago and it wasn't easy because some 404 error came up.
I suggest you to buy ( as I did) a 4/5G modem/router and upload the photos directly to sytist, without making them sellable, so people can choose the photos online and then they have to come to your physical space to get them printed.

Hi Marco, I tried this during the pendency, as we were the lockdown I had time to do it, but I really found it in circles and I couldn't for lack of knowledge go and play in the settings to resolve things, in fact it was downright Chinese for me.

I tried with a 5G modem, but when there are 5000-6000 people in the square, everything becomes saturated for the neighboring towers. So the network breaks down too often. There's also the fact that buildings are becoming increasingly hermetic to cellular signals, so if there are no repeaters in these places, the signal even on an excellent MiFi router sucks.

When you mention Directly to Systist, you mean sending it to the Hosting Via FTP?

I can see that when we do IPS (In PErson Sales) we're much closer to the emotion curve than when the customer is at home with his coffee and his lazyboy. It's also worth noting that we're in competition with sellers of flowers, chocolates, t-shirts... and as the customer has a certain amount of money to spend on site during the event, having a tangible product available immediately is a must. Hence my search for a completely autonomous solution. An old school solution :-).
Merci d'Avoir essayé de m'Aider, mais si quelqu'un peu me faire cela clef en main, je suis preneurs.
Thanks for trying to help me, but if someone can make this turnkey, I'm all in.
463 posts
Tue Feb 06, 24 2:07 PM CST

Best thing to do then is find a IT specialist in your area. Not sure what service you have in your area, here in the US there are many sites to post short and long term jobs., like Indeed. Maybe check with your local computer repair company's for leads on people that do that kind of work.

49 posts
Tue Feb 06, 24 2:09 PM CST

Yes it will be a alternate solution. I was just seeking to have someone with experience with Systist instead coming from scratch.

463 posts
Tue Feb 06, 24 2:25 PM CST

A website is a website, file structure is just that. As long as they have experience with setting up servers, it will not matter what they setup, stylist or not. How ever there are key componets needed for sytist to work, much like any graphic/eCommerce type of site on or offline. 

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