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Free Downloads Taking A Long Time To Process

48 posts
Tue Dec 05, 23 7:30 PM CST

Free downloads take forever to zip up and download.  I am running 500 Mbps download speed (at office)  and my server is a deciaced server running 3.2 GHs , 32 GB DDR4.  It has taken over an hour (Estimated processing time: 12 minutes) and it is not ready to download .   Is this a server problem, or a bug in the downloads?

Attached Photos

Edited Tue Dec 05, 23 7:32 PM by Todd Frazior
48 posts
Tue Dec 05, 23 9:14 PM CST

3 hours and still no download ready.

16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Dec 06, 23 4:55 AM CST

It is some sort of server issue. You would need to email  me the link to the gallery and also FTP access to troubleshoot the issue with the server.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
6 posts
Sun Dec 10, 23 8:14 AM CST
Todd Frazior wrote:

3 hours and still no download ready.

Hi Todd and Tim - I might be having the same problem. I believe that the issue is limited to larger galleries with 220+ photos totaling more than 2GB in total size.  Smaller galleries with fewer pictures, when images are comparable in size, are able to process to completion.

I've noticed that when the zip file for the larger galleries is never offered to the UI to actually download, the zip file tends to be completed and ready for download in the sy-photoszips folder.  I'm not sure why it isn't able to be downloaded.

I am not on a dedicated server, I am on a shared server with Saratoga Hosting.  He (Dave) believes that it could possibly be a limitation with PHP in regards to the maximum allowed size of a zip file which I'm told is 3.6GB.  The zip files I see are less than 3GB in size though.

Looking at the zip download stats in the Admin, the trend seems to be that the historical larger galleries rarely had their downloads completed.  Smaller galleries tend to successfully complete the download process.

I will be getting Tim access to investigate.

Thank you!


Edited Sun Dec 10, 23 8:15 AM by Jeff Lenkowski
4 total messages
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Category: Photos
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