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Performance Issues

20 posts
Mon Sep 11, 23 1:11 PM CST


I'm facing performance issues on my Sytist page since a few weeks. Whenever I access Sytist Admin page after a few minutes the page becomes slower and slower until its not responding anymore. I was also in contact with my hosting partner several times but they couldn't find any performance issue (low host utilization). They just found a lot of open processes "hanging". A cleanup of these processes helped but only temporary.

We've tried to isolate the issue and found the following:

- Windows in combination with Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera...always lagging and slow (tested two different Windows machines)

- I deactivated all browser extensions, cleared caches, deactivated antivirus software without success 

- On my MacBook running with MacOS and Safari we don't have any performance issues!

- Sytitst is also running stable on our Mobile devices (only iOS)

I also attached two screenshots from chrome dev tools to check which objects have a slow loading speed. Alls scripts and mini pictures were loaded in milliseconds but the "small_*" jpeg's took 3,7 minutes to load!

I also upgraded my Sytist Version from 4.2 to 4.6.0 but still the same issue. Somehow I don't believe that Sytist is the issue, I more suspect a problem on client side. 

Do you have any idea how we could proceed?

MySQL 5.7, PHP 8.1, CDN active

Attached Photos

Edited Mon Sep 11, 23 1:21 PM by Isabel Doil
130 posts
Mon Sep 11, 23 7:09 PM CST

watching - we experience slow loading when we try and enter our 'order team photos' section (probably biggest section 96 sub gallerries) not enough to complain about but wanted to comment here in case I could learn something from the reply to the above issue. Is there a link to advice re regular maintenance?

16,700 posts (admin)
Tue Sep 12, 23 4:52 AM CST

This will be a server thing. I just pulled up your homepage, which isn't Sytist, and took 17 seconds to load. 

The speed mainly has to do with the hosting. 

If you have like a million photos in the system you may experience some slowness in some places, but going to like the main settings page it should load within a second.

A couple of things within Sytist you can do which may or may not make a difference is:

  • Go to Settings -> Database Backup and click optimize database. 
  • Go to Stats -> Site Visitors -> Overview and click the Compile Older Stats button.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
130 posts
Tue Sep 12, 23 7:28 PM CST

Thanks for your reponse Tim

20 posts
Wed Sep 13, 23 2:45 PM CST

I have contacted the hosting partner again. They will now take a deeper look. Currently the website is running fine. I've deleted a lot of old stuff.

Beside this I also recognized a error.txt with nearly 50k lines. 

  • PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list in sy-inc/search.php:83
  • PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero in /sy-footer.php:277

Is that critical? Should I cleanup the error.txt because of its size?

20 posts
Mon Sep 18, 23 12:58 PM CST

I solved the issue by manually migrating the website and Sytist from Webhosting to a dedicvps host (with root access). The performance improvement is huge! 

16,700 posts (admin)
Tue Sep 19, 23 5:20 AM CST

That's great it is running better now.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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