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Current Version: 5.0.2 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Install - Didn't Complete

40 posts
Wed Aug 16, 23 9:58 AM CST

New install on new server. Following these instructions...

The very last step didn't complete where I create the admin username/password and register Sytist. All other steps appeared to go as planned, got the successful database connection message, then the browser never refreshed after it said it would delete the /install directory. I confirmed that step was done though, it doesn't exist any more in the /public-html/ directory, I can see the /install directory does not exist in my FTP software.

Trying my admin directory just gives a blank page.

How would I proceed to get to the admin un/pw that's described as the last step?


Once you complete the steps on the install page, you are done! You will be sent to the admin area where you will create your admin username and password and register your sytist.



16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Aug 16, 23 11:52 AM CST

Sounds more like a server error. What is the PHP version? If it is 8.2 you need to change it to 8.1.

If that doesn't resolve it email me the link where you installed in and FTP access. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
40 posts
Wed Aug 16, 23 12:24 PM CST

Thanks Tim! Emailed info. 

PHP is v8.1

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Category: Installation
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