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Fiscal Figures When Modifying Orders

48 posts
Fri May 26, 23 11:17 AM CST

Hi.  I am sure there is some sort of fiscal or database adjustments going on when we are modifying orders based on customers either changing their mind or accidentally ordering an item.  In my case, I deleted an item from a customer's order, however, I am not seeing any adjustments to the Sub Total figure on the left side of her Order screen.  Can you confirm when we delete an item from an order that the sales figures will no longer calculate this?  As a SQL programmer I wrote a query that pulls total sales figures for an organization.  I guess I could also write a query to check if that cart item is no longer in the ms_cart table for that particular order, but can you confirm that the back end is updated after we remove an item from the Sytist front end like I did? 

463 posts
Fri May 26, 23 1:59 PM CST

unfortunately when modifying a order you have to adjust everything manually. 

16,476 posts (admin)
Sat May 27, 23 9:27 AM CST

The totals are stored in the database and won't recalcualte if you make a change to the item. You will need to click the Edit Order tab to change the totals.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Category: Orders
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