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Order/payment Issue

138 posts
Wed May 17, 23 11:06 AM CST

I had a customer purchase 2 sets of digital downloads for $129.99 each. The order subtotal said $0 and no tax. However, the grand total said $259.98. She also had a credit of $40 that was not automatically deducted from her total order. I would appreciate any help in figuring this out. Thanks!!

Attached Photos

463 posts
Wed May 17, 23 1:22 PM CST

here in the US in most states, digital media is not taxable, but if you are charging tax, it must be selected in your product as taxable, if it is going to another state other than the one you are in you must set up the tax for that state. Tim will help with the discount count but my guess it is either expired or your customer was not logged into to there account.

138 posts
Wed May 17, 23 1:34 PM CST

Thanks for your reply! All my digital downloads are always taxed and I've had hundreds of digital download purchases go through with tax included and no problem. This particular customer lives in my state and the purchase should have been taxed. Also, the customer was logged into their account. Her purchase is on her account along with her $40 credit. The credit does not expire until May 10, 2024. I'm not really sure what happened with this particular order...

463 posts
Wed May 17, 23 3:32 PM CST

Tim will have to take a look, but i did look this up. Handle as you wish. Sorry i can not be any more help. 

Is there sales tax on digital photography in Virginia?

Photographers in the state of VA DO NOT need to collect sales tax when delivering digital files via the Internet (this does not refer to CDs or flash drives). Tax is ONLY collected on tangible products. Digital files ARE NOT considered a tangible product.
138 posts
Mon May 22, 23 12:08 PM CST

Tim, I wanted to see if you've had a chance to take a look at this. Thanks!!

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Category: Orders
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