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Add Account Credit Problem

235 posts
Mon Mar 13, 23 10:59 AM CST

in the last 2 weeks i've been seeing glitches when i add credit to customers

for example if they already have photos in the cart and I add credit it is not deducted, if I add new credit only the second credit is deducted from the customer and not the first, but I see them both on the admin side.
in another case, an amount not equal to the credit loaded was deducted.
in the past it has always worked perfectly, now I haven't used it for a few months, I reused it last week and today and I encountered anomalies, in November I upgraded sytist, I don't know if it can help
Edited Mon Mar 13, 23 10:59 AM by Marco B
16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Mar 13, 23 11:57 AM CST

Check to see if there are expired credits in those accounts. If they have expired credits change the expiration date so they are no.

They can throw things off and no way to address it other then deleting the whole credit system.

You can click on Settings in the main menu, then edit config file under the left menu.

Add this line of code before the closing PHP tag (?>) and save.

$setup['no_expired_print_credits'] = true; // Do not calculate expired print credits

Then it will ignore the expired ones.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
235 posts
Mon Mar 13, 23 12:05 PM CST

yes, they had expired credits

added the code, thanks tim
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Category: Bug
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