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Where To Find Visitor Emails?
Stacy Judd
10 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 12:04 PM CST
I have require email enabled, but when I look at recent visitors I only see the IP address, not an email.
Tim -
16,897 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 12:23 PM CST
They don't show in the visitor stats. The show in the People tab of the galleries that are viewed.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
My Email Address:
Stacy Judd
10 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 12:35 PM CST
Tim -
16,897 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 12:50 PM CST
He is probably one of those that visited in March or January. If the visitor had previously visited, it won't ask for their email again.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
My Email Address:
Stacy Judd
10 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 1:36 PM CST
Oh I see, thank you, clears it up!
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