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File Up Load And Processing

11 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 9:04 AM CST

I upload my photos using Flash FXP, that part works fine, when processing the photos the system hangs up after around 20 photos.  If I pause it and restart it the processing will go for a little while and hang up again.  I am using Westhost is my site hosting company.  I am working with them on this, they haven't been able to resolve it.   Any ideas I might be able to give them as to where their hosting is messing up?


16,700 posts (admin)
Wed Mar 08, 23 9:57 AM CST

Sounds like something like the memory/CPU increasing to the point of not responding? Just a guess but should be something like that.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 10:00 AM CST

Thanks,  I will let them know.  They keep wanting to switch the php back to 7 and I told them that you updated it to 8.  Plus this has been happening before the upgrade


16,700 posts (admin)
Wed Mar 08, 23 10:10 AM CST

Could also be something like mod security.

Sytist is still compatible with PHP 7 (7.4 - 8.1).

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
11 posts
Wed Mar 08, 23 10:15 AM CST

The did check to see if my IP was being blocked. But that wasn't the issue.  I upload a lot of photos from my weddings and I used to start the processing part of it that Sytist does at night so the next morning it would be ready.  So I figure its not you but them.

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