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Images In Page Designer

105 posts
Mon Feb 20, 23 2:26 PM CST

Hi all

Due to a very painful system crash I have lost all of my work taken in 2020 (luckily not a very busy year due to Covid). Luckily my method of deleting galleries but not removing images from the server has allowed me to recover a lot of 2020 (but not the original's). But I had a specific project that was placed on my website using Designer. Does anybody know of a way to get these specific images back as I believe they are embedded into the code. Has anybody managed to get these images back?

Many thanks

Pau lunnon

Paul Lunnon (UK))
16,477 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 21, 23 4:04 AM CST

All of the photos uploaded with the page designer are located in the sy-photos/page-photos folder on the server which you can access via FTP or the file manager in your hosting control panel. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
105 posts
Wed Feb 22, 23 8:15 AM CST

HI Tim

Thank you Yet again for your help it took a bit of searching but I have recovered 150 images from my website pages written using Design which are now secure in my back up. 

I cant thank you enough. I had remembered your answer to similar query sometime ago where you said images from Design were written into the code so I really thought I had lost all.

Best wishes

Paul Lunnon

Paul Lunnon (UK))
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