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Website Hosting - Who Do You Host With?

156 posts
Sun Feb 12, 23 8:37 PM CST

I am at my wit's end with GoDaddy. I was with Bluehost a while back and kept getting DNS attacks so I switched and in the last few weeks, it's been site error non stop. What is everything hosting with, that works well with Sytist?

188 posts
Sun Feb 12, 23 9:46 PM CST

This is all personal preference. I use AWS and fast comet . Good luck in your search.

Arron Robles, Solutions Designer | |
247 posts
Sun Feb 12, 23 11:02 PM CST

I agree with Aaron, it's all personal preference.

I use Saratoga Hosting and Amazon Web Services S3

78 posts
Mon Feb 13, 23 6:10 AM CST

I use Black Nova Designs for hosting and I know them personally. Great family company and always quick to fix anything I need.

Amazon S3 for images

142 posts
Mon Feb 13, 23 1:59 PM CST

I self host, but use AWS for my DNS (so the internet knows where to find me).

I have full control over everything, not to mention 48TB (yeah not even measured in GB!) of space.

Has high setup costs, but its all but free to run.

24 posts
Tue Feb 14, 23 2:11 PM CST
Elizabeth Andrews wrote:

I self host, but use AWS for my DNS (so the internet knows where to find me).

I have full control over everything, not to mention 48TB (yeah not even measured in GB!) of space.

Has high setup costs, but its all but free to run.

How much do you have to pay for ongoing bandwidth? 

24 posts
Tue Feb 14, 23 2:14 PM CST
Jamie Elle wrote:

I am at my wit's end with GoDaddy. I was with Bluehost a while back and kept getting DNS attacks so I switched and in the last few weeks, it's been site error non stop. What is everything hosting with, that works well with Sytist?

Stay where you're at but switch to cloudflare dns.  Get the $20/month account and report the attack problem. They will mitigate it pretty fast.  Later you can downgrade to their free account.

142 posts
Tue Feb 14, 23 2:55 PM CST

Hi Randy,

I host on my residential connection, which is a 1GB/S (up and down) fibre line with unlimited bandwidth.

Even if I didn't host I would have the same internet package so its effectively free. I've only had 2 instances in 4 years of an outage which was only a few hours but I have all sorts of alerts setup to let me know when it happens.

I realize I'm not supposed to run a server on my residential connection, but its minimal compared to the rest of the houses usage and has never even been questioned by my provider.

Hope that helps!

24 posts
Tue Feb 14, 23 5:10 PM CST
Elizabeth Andrews wrote:

Hi Randy,

I host on my residential connection, which is a 1GB/S (up and down) fibre line with unlimited bandwidth.

Even if I didn't host I would have the same internet package so its effectively free. I've only had 2 instances in 4 years of an outage which was only a few hours but I have all sorts of alerts setup to let me know when it happens.

I realize I'm not supposed to run a server on my residential connection, but its minimal compared to the rest of the houses usage and has never even been questioned by my provider.

Hope that helps!

Good for you!  ;)   I was wondering...  I've thought about doing that, but my bandwidth couldn't keep up during my busy times.  I run my own servers through LiquidWeb.  But your way would work great for many photographers!  If they can figure out a basic low-dollar server with lots of storage! And it's really not that hard to do.   

148 posts
Thu Feb 16, 23 6:43 AM CST

We switched to Saratoga and AWS a few years ago and it was the best choice we ever made.

Dave did all the heavy lifting for me and the price is very good. Only one very minor issue in ll that time and it was quickly resolved. Our previous host was terible and the site was always slow.

None of those problems anymore.

24 posts
Thu Feb 16, 23 11:01 AM CST

We need a way to connect (via ftp) the sytist program to a local computer at our homes with lots of storage and simply bypass AWS, and other providers' high storage fees.  Would probably require more tech support than any company wants though.  lol

10 posts
Tue Mar 07, 23 11:43 AM CST

Switched to Saratoga Web Hosting and it was the BEST decision (other than choosing Sytist) for my photo business!  While GoDaddy is good for a simple wordpress site and other sales sites, it was a NIGHTMARE with Sytist.  Dave at Saratoga is a great guy and I can't recommend Saratoga highly enough.  He and Tim work well together and the combination of Sytist and Saratoga are perfect for what we do!

Caveat here:  At this time Dave is a "SOLE proprietor" doing everything himself and CRAZY busy, so you WILL have to wait in the que to get switched over (in my case it was a couple months), but I PROMISE, it is WORTH the wait 100%!!!  EVERY single problem I had was SOLVED with his help (he helped me in other areas than just hosting).  I can now sleep at night.....

235 posts
Mon Mar 13, 23 9:36 AM CST

OVH provider EU sytist works well and the rates are good

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