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142 posts
Sun Feb 12, 23 5:15 PM CST

I'm aware this is probably super simple, but I've been stuck trying to insert the email capture form for newsletters for a few hours now and couldn't find much on the forum about it.

The Mailing List Settings instructions say this "[JOIN_MAILING_LIST]" can be added to page text to show the Mailing list subscription form. I use the page designer on all my pages so my page text box is empty and putting this in there slams the form right at the top of my page. This looks especially bad on every single page, especially my home page.

I don't want this on every single page so using footer text is out too.

I tried adding [JOIN_MAILING_LIST] to a text box in the page designer so it would go where I wanted which fails, and I can't add it as a form as it isn't listed as a form anywhere (I assume its a special type of form we can't see). I also tried adding it to embed code below which failed too. I don't want it as a pop up either.

How can I insert this form perhaps using page designer so I can choose which pages and where it goes?

Thanks Liz.

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 13, 23 6:56 AM CST

[JOIN_MAILING_LIST] only works when adding to the editor when editing the page in the admin. Does not currently work with the page designer. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
142 posts
Mon Feb 13, 23 7:53 AM CST

Does that mean it also doesn't work in adding to perhaps a php page (I think we can add on PHP pages at the end right?).

Can it be added perhaps to forms?

16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 13, 23 1:03 PM CST

Correct. [JOIN_MAILING_LIST] only works when adding to the editor when editing the page in the admin.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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