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Password Reset Not Working

2 posts
Sun Feb 05, 23 5:06 PM CST

My admin username and password are suddenly not working. My browser saves & autofills them for me and I also have them written down, so I know I am using at least the right username.

Upon trying to log in: "Username and or password is incorrect."

When I enter my email to reset it: "An email has been sent to you with further instructions."

However, I receive no email. I am not out of space on my host (I've used 46% of the space I have) and I am not sure what is causing this, since it was working fine a couple of days ago.

16,476 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 07, 23 3:52 AM CST

I have no idea why that is. I will email a file to get you logged in.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
105 posts
Mon Feb 20, 23 3:08 AM CST

Hi Tim, 

I am also having this same problem.  I have no space issues on my server and though it says it has emailed reset instructions, they do not arrive. 

Can I edit the password directly in a file on the server, or can you send me what you were going to kelsey? Thanks,


105 posts
Mon Feb 20, 23 4:06 AM CST

Nevermind, I deleted my admin user in myphpadmin and then was able to make a new one. 

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