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Emails Bouncing Back From Clients

31 posts
Wed Apr 20, 22 6:39 PM CST
This isn't directly a Sytist problem, due to my workflow, but maybe changing my workflow can be a solution. I've had a problem the past few days where I email photos to clients, and they bounce back, presumably because their email boxes are full. Some of these people I can message on Facebook and straighten them out, but if they're not on my Facebook...

Seems odd that this is happening so much the past 3 days or so. Seems mostly with gmail accounts, but also yahoo and charter.

My workflow is this: I shoot equine sports, and upload thousands of proofs per event, so I only upload super-small proofs of each shot, which keeps uploads fast, saves AWS fees, and lets me upload almost real-time from the event. Then when somebody orders photos, I pull them up in Lightroom and email them to the client directly.

(For portrait sessions, I just upload the full-size edited jpegs, but that's not practical for my events where I like to crop and edit the purchases photos as the final step.)

I was just poking around about doing it the "correct" way, where I would replace the photos with the high resolution ones in the order, but that seems like a convoluted workflow - instead of Lightroom's Export to Email, I would have to Export to the Hard Drive, then go to the order in Sytist, and upload the edited photo, which would require navigating to the folder, matching filenames for each one, etc. That also precludes one popular item, where people can select one photo, and purchase that entire sequence by purchasing the one (that just requires I go to Lightroom and type in the filename, then select the adjacent photos from their run and Export to Email).

So... am I missing any easy solutions?
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16,289 posts (admin)
Fri Apr 22, 22 6:27 AM CST
You can replace the edited photos in the gallery itself. You have the edited photos named the exact same filename of the original ones then upload it to the main gallery and check the option to replace photos with the same file names. So you don't have to do it for each individual order.

Then you can email the customer from the Manage Photos tab of the orders to let them know they are ready. Next update there is a batch way to send out that notification for multiple orders.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Emails
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