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Designer Not Saving Changes

156 posts
Fri Apr 08, 22 10:54 AM CST

I'm losing my mind trying to use designer. Every time I try to update a page using designer, the changes don't get saved. I've tried creating a new page, saving several templates over and over, and this has been a HUGE time waster. Does anyone have the same issue? I'm using the latest sytist and completely frustrated.
16,477 posts (admin)
Fri Apr 08, 22 11:34 AM CST
No one else is having that problem.

You can email me the following for me to look into it:

1) Link to your Sytist admin.

2) The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
295 posts
Fri Feb 09, 24 1:24 PM CST


 I have an issue where I can create the template in Design->Page templates and it works and saves well.  However when I load it into the page I would like it on it looks fine until I save it, then it looses a bunch of text and elements on the bottom of the page.  I have deleted the page and re-made it a few times to make sure that wasn't it.   Any ideas on what might be causing this?  Thanks.

This is what it looks like in page designer and when I load it into the page I want to use it on:

This is what it looks like when I save it:

Edited Fri Feb 09, 24 1:25 PM by Joey Freeman
16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 12, 24 4:56 AM CST

No clue. You can email me the following for me to look into it: 

1) The link / URL to your Sytist admin (where you log into your Sytist admin).

2) The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).

3) The name of the template and the name of the page. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Site Design
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