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Orders + Invoices

326 posts
Thu Aug 05, 21 8:20 AM CST
Can we combine Orders and Invoices? I guess I still don't understand the reason for both. The only reason I create "Invoices" is to use the Payment Scheduler since we can't add multiple payments to an order.

Someone books, it automatically creates an order let's say it's order 255. I then need to create an Invoice for that order so I can track payments and that's now Invoice 256.

I then need keep two records for each client or delete the first, but the problem with deleting the first is the client has already received an automated email when booking with their original order number 255.

So can we just simplify this and make an Order/Invoice one thing. Maybe someone can shed some light on this. I guess I just don't understand because on an order you can do everything you can on an Invoice, minus the Payment Scheduler.

Get rid of one, someone books. It creates an Invoice, done.
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326 posts
Mon Aug 09, 21 8:04 AM CST
To reiterate my point. I just received a new booking. It is an "order", but it's listed under "Invoices". But it's not an invoice. If maybe the "invoices" were linked to an order and all in one place...
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326 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 8:12 AM CST
There has to be a better way to do this. Can someone elaborate so I don't have two orders/invoices for every job I do.

All I need is my client to be able to see their complete total at checkout with tax included (I offer multiple options for them to check so totals can vary), and I need to be able to add multiple payments, so scheduled payments is my only option.

I have 25 Weddings this year, and that means I'd have 50 Orders/Invoices just right there, that's too much duplication and clutter. I need to slim this down to 1 order and 1 Invoice per client while doing what I need it to do. There has to be a way.
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301 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 9:50 AM CST
This is my solution as soon as i set up my new portrait site. (different from my sport event site)
1. set up your booking service with no prices, except in the title area and description area. Yes you can still add additional services and prices and it will total it.
2. Do not take any payment through the booking service.
3. confirm booking via generating invoice, there you can set up payment plan and charge your deposit. this will give you what you want. see attached photos
4 Once you have set up the invoice you can either auto confirm when payment is made or manually confirm when it is made.
I can only upload 4 pics so the final one is on the next post.

1 order, one invoice it's that easy.
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301 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 9:52 AM CST
This is what it looks like when complete
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326 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 9:55 AM CST
Vance, I appreciate your response! I will give this a try, maybe that's part of my issue is I have a pre-set price and "require a deposit" when booking. I'll try what you said, thank you!!!
301 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 9:59 AM CST
This is what the payment schedule looks like so you can email reminders if the payments are not made.
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326 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 10:05 AM CST
Okay, tried what you suggested, this will work in eliminating two orders/invoices, but it does not allow me to calculate taxes, and it does not make them agree with terms and conditions, which is where I have a lot of my refund policies, etc. But gotta pick and choose your battles right? haha...I appreciate your help Vance
301 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 10:08 AM CST
You are welcome, i do not think you have to do much to your setup except remove prices and deposit required for booking. In the description just ad "booking will be completed once invoice is generated and paid" i did a quick set up to show you test it out with a dummy account on your end once you have it set up.
326 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 10:11 AM CST
Okay perfect, looking at yours, it's now identical to mine and I ran a test through it and popped up exactly how you have it.

I just added "Tax not included"
301 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 10:26 AM CST
I just took a look at yours yeah that looks great, easy and straightforward. I did not think about the tax part, but that is a minor hurdle. Hope this way makes it easier for you, i like how it works. Good luck sir.

326 posts
Sat Aug 28, 21 10:32 AM CST
Yeah I just hate when someone books and it says $1,500 and next thing they know they're getting an invoice for $1,650 (or whatever), I just like being "up front", THIS IS what it costs....But doing it the other way wasn't working for me haha...

I appreciate your help and my headaches will thank you!!! lol
326 posts
Tue Oct 19, 21 10:01 AM CST
Well, this worked for a little bit but ultimately did not. Since there were no deposits "required" at the time of booking, I then had to start tracking people down to get them to pay their deposits since it wasn't right in their faces at checkout. Even if I sent them their invoice, it would sometimes takes days/weeks and some I still have not received "Oh sorry I missed this email", blah blah blah. I like them being prompted right at checkout, "You owe $xxx, Pay now to confirm your booking" or they can't book.

It then doesn't force someone to create an account when submitting the request, since they're technically not checking out. So this becomes an issue then because I can't send them a contract, like all their orders together, etc. Maybe?

I guess this is a good "issue" to have, being too busy haha

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Category: Orders
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